Pilar Joy is unchecked from Celaá with the concert and says it is a key element of the educational system

The new Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, has been unmarked from its predecessor, Isabel Celaá, and has defended that the concerted “plays a key role” within the educational system.
She has remembered, in fact, that she was “a socialist minister” who created this educational model, where he studies 25% of the school population.

“Some are forgotten, but if the concerts exist was because of a law of a socialist minister, José María Maravall,” he said in an interview with the SER. These words would have been unthinkable in Celaá, who solved the defenders of
The freedom of choice when affirming that “the children belong to the parents” and that more than once has stated that “the right to choose a religious teaching or to elect the educational center are not emanation of the freedom of teaching recognized in Article 27 of
the Constitution”.

Alegría has declared a “strong advocacy of collaborative work between public education and concerted”.
“Education is a public service that lends itself through the public and the concerted, the work between the two networks is a key element,” she said.
And she has shown everything about her the “respect of her” from her to this system.

Now, it has reminded that the centers that separate the students by sex can not receive grants.
He has said that the Law Celaá has been “very clear in this question: when a center receives public funds, it has to be co-responsible, preventing segregation.”

Regarding the system that allows you to pass course and obtain the title without limit of suspense, joy it has been aligned with its predecessor and has appealed to “when a student repeats a complete course is demotivated”.

He has said that “all educational laws talked about a certain number of subjects,” in allusion to suspense, and recalled that the Law Wert “let go of course with more than three subjects.”
“The evaluation and the promotion can not direct it only at how many subjects, but to the maturation of students,” he stressed, recalling that this measure has been launched to reduce the high repetition rates, which “influence high rates
of early school dropout “.

Regarding the suppression of the reference to Spanish as a vehicular language of the teaching that was carried out in the Lomloe at the request of ERC, joy has said that “the vehicularity of the Spanish emanates from the Constitution itself and is more than guaranteed in the Law.”

“The law is a guarantee in this topic, there is nothing more guarantee than saying that, when students end up compulsory, they will have acquired competitions in Spanish and in the co-official language and, in addition, makes a call to reinforce them”.
He has not said that this call to the reinforcement is made to the Generalitat of Catalonia, which is precisely the one that prevents more Spanish in schools.

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