The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, encouraged the members of his party this Monday to “defend democracy” against the “deterioration” that is emerging with the management of Pedro Sánchez at the helm of the Government. “Sánchez hopes that this will be forgotten,” he said in relation to the amnesty.

This is how the popular leader expressed himself this Monday during the traditional Christmas dinner of the Madrid PP, supported by the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, by the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez Almeida, and by the main senior officials of Genoa. Hours before, his party had announced its intention to increase pressure on the PSOE and present motions in all city councils for socialist representatives to speak out about their party’s pact with EH Bildu in Pamplona.

As happened last year, Feijóo and Ayuso showed harmony in their interventions. A complicity that was highlighted with the image of Feijóo holding a Christmas basket… full of fruit as a gift to several affiliates. Ayuso also had a wink with his already famous phrase: “For dessert there is… fruit.” The leader of the PP ended his intervention using Ayuso’s campaign slogan with which he achieved the absolute majority in May: “I call on you to win with enthusiasm again” in 2024.

The opposition leader’s speech revolved around this idea: La Moncloa, he said, hopes that the Christmas holidays will serve as “amnesia” for citizens and the rejection of the amnesty will fade with the new year. “Sánchez trusts that this will be forgotten,” said Feijóo, which is why he asked to start 2024 with the same power with which he ends this year.

“At this historic moment, let’s not take a step back. Let’s gain strength for 2024,” requested the popular leader before a thousand Madrid members and officials. “If they don’t get tired of deteriorating our democracy, we won’t get tired of defending it.”

Precisely, the year that is now opening is for Genoa the opportunity for the Government to portray itself for its alliances. As Feijóo expressed, Sánchez will have to seal the governance with his partners month by month, probably in meetings in a foreign country. “We have never had a government so weak, we have never needed a stronger government,” he said.

Feijóo acknowledged that this year there have been “historic” but also “hard” moments for the PP. But in any case the electoral victories are the best proof of the support that the party receives from the Spanish. “A year ago we dreamed of the electoral results we have achieved.”

In particular, Feijóo highlighted two achievements: the absolute majority of Almeida and that of Ayuso, whom he defined as “the woman who has wanted to build a PP that does not rinse or look the other way. Who wants to win.”

The Madrid president, for her part, promised to “go hand in hand” with Feijóo’s project: “You are not alone, you have the strength of truth, of reason,” asserted the leader of the Madrid PP.

In the same way as Feijóo, Ayuso called for Sanchez’s roadmap to be dismantled in 2024 based on his approach to independence and nationalism. “We are going to rigorously demonstrate that this project is not that its hours are numbered, it is that it should never have been born.”