María Guardiola eliminates inheritance and donation taxes. And she does it in 100% of the cases in both cases as long as they do not exceed 500,000 euros per heir. Thus it is included in the project of her first budget that she has prepared since she is president of the Junta de Extremadura, whose legislative processing for approval begins this Wednesday in the regional parliament.

The bills, which are expected to be approved with the support of Vox, contemplate a broad package of economic measures, which also include a zero rate for self-employed women who return to work after motherhood and, among other sections, an aid line for self-employed workers in order to offset the costs derived from price inflation. In total, Extremadura’s accounts amount to 8,127 million euros, 4.4% more than last year, and they dedicate more than 1,959 million to economic policies, 117 million more than last year, according to Guardiola herself. , which has described them as “the budgets of change.”

The tax reduction was one of the key points in the agreement that Guardiola reached with Vox to govern in Extremadura. Specifically, the document included, verbatim, a “comprehensive reduction in taxes”, with the suppression of Patrimony and Inheritances and Donations, although it was clarified that “for the majority of taxpayers.”

Following the holding of the regional government council, the president of Extremadura, who appeared together with the Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Elena Manzano, specified that the elimination of the inheritance and donation tax will apply from next January 1 to kinship groups 1 and 2 in inheritances that do not exceed 500,000 euros per heir. This is a new fiscal measure that is added to the tax reform approved by its executive last September and that included the reduction of personal income tax in the autonomous section between 8% and 10% in the first two sections, the increase to 30% of the deduction for housing rentals, the reduction of the tax on certain means of transportation and the elimination of the wealth tax.

These are the first measures within a generalized tax reform – he stressed – that will be applied over the coming months. The objective, he has assured, is to provide “realities, certainties and guarantees” to families, the self-employed and companies.

“We are going to inject – he added – 117 million more than last year in areas as important for our economy as agriculture, tourism, infrastructure or commerce.” Thus, he referred to the self-employed and small and medium-sized companies, recalling that “they are going through a very difficult time” due to high inflation and the increase in energy and raw material costs. For this reason, he said, the budgets for 2024 include a line of aid so that the self-employed can offset these costs and the allocation for investment attraction policies is doubled, in addition to implementing measures with the aim of increasing the productivity of small businesses.

Guardiola has specified that a digital talent development program and a self-employed professionalization kit will be launched. Also specific aid for young self-employed women who return to the activity after motherhood, who will be able to enjoy a zero rate for 24 months. Young people under 36 years of age will also have access to this same rate. In terms of housing, the bill contains measures aimed at young people.

“We want companies to notice the support of an investing government, a government that stimulates the private sector as an engine of growth” and that facilitates the activity of entrepreneurs and companies “because they are really the ones who generate employment and wealth in our region,” he said. expressed Guardiola.

The budget includes, in terms of health infrastructure, the necessary investments for the second phase of the Don Benito-Villanueva hospital, as well as for the second phase of the Cáceres University Hospital, while in the field of mental health the expense for the Cáceres Day Center. Furthermore, María Guardiola explained, the accounts contemplate “the commitment we have to ALS patients” and include the items for the reference center that is going to be installed in the Cervantes residence in Cáceres and the creation of a multidisciplinary consultation to attend to these patients in a comprehensive manner, as well as a specific item of direct aid for people who have this diagnosis.

María Guardiola has considered that with these budgets “a new time” begins in order to achieve “the transformation of Extremadura as a land full of opportunities where new generations can fulfill their life projects.” It is not just about numbers, she has assured, but that these budgets raise the pillars to achieve “a competitive Extremadura, a proud Extremadura and a hopeful Extremadura”, she has concluded.