Sofía Puente, sister of the new Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, will remain in the Ministry of Justice during this legislature – which is now headed by Félix Bolaños replacing Pilar Llop -, but at a higher level. The until now general director of Legal Security and Public Faith has been promoted to general secretary for Innovation and Quality of the Public Justice Service.

The appointment of Sofía Puente in January 2020 sparked a public controversy after Toni Cantó, then deputy and spokesperson for Ciudadanos in the Valencian Cortes, wrote a tweet describing the appointment to a position of the Government of Pedro Sánchez of the sister of the then PSOE spokesperson.

Later, when Cantó was appointed director of the Spanish Office of the Community of Madrid created by the Executive of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Óscar Puente referred to the former leader of the orange formation on the same social network as “a piece of shit” who was going to living “at the expense of the Spanish, earning a salary of 75,000 euros a year for scratching his balls with both hands.”

“My sister places herself alone on her merits. What I have said about that man is not enough for what he is, disastrous for Spanish politics,” reaffirmed the still mayor of Valladolid in the campaign for the municipal elections last month. May in an interview in EL MUNDO.

Before becoming general director of Legal Security and Public Faith, Sofía Puente – graduated in Law from the University of Valladolid in 1993 – had worked as a prosecutor in the Prosecutor’s Offices of Cádiz, Plasencia, Zamora, Palencia and Valladolid and held the position of Deputy Prosecutor of Violence against Women. Between 2010 and 2012 she was director of the Center for Legal Studies and member of the Fiscal Council between 2014 and 2018.