The Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) commits itself to a change of cycle inaugurated in the 2020 regional elections, when it became the second force in Galicia ahead of the PSOE, to face the race towards the municipal elections on May 28. Relying on the same candidates as four years ago in the main cities of Galicia, he aspires to confirm his upward trend and seal a “historic result” in which he leads the left in the community.

Its national leader, Ana Pontón, spokesperson for the opposition in Galicia, presided over a massive municipal meeting this Sunday in Santiago de Compostela ahead of the electoral appointment and there she boasted of having the “dream team of municipal politics”, the “best candidates and candidates» to reissue throughout the community the models of the municipalities in which they already govern.

The polls published so far show rising results in all the provinces and would allow it to maintain its flagship, Pontevedra, where Miguel Anxo Fernández Lores has governed since 1999, alternating mandates alone and in coalition with the PSOE, and also to reissue the pact in Lugo , where he shares Executive with Lara Méndez (PSOE).

The sustained growth in which they find themselves since the arrival of Pontón to the national spokesperson could also leave them at the gates of entering two governments of large cities, A Coruña and Santiago, in alliance with the PSOE. Four years ago he supported the investiture in both cities and in Ferrol and now he could be the key to government in the first two. In fact, the Sigma Dos survey for EL MUNDO in February confirms this growth in A Coruña, where he would be left with the vote lost by Marea Atlántica and his candidate, Francisco Jorquera, would improve results, going from 7.2 to 10.7%. of the votes and from two to three councilors with respect to four years ago. It would be the key to the government for the socialist Inés Rey.

This progression of the Pontón era is even confirmed in one of the scenarios that resists it the most, Vigo, where Abel Caballero has held the Mayor’s Office for the PSOE since 2007. On the verge of disappearing from the local sphere in the previous appointment, according to the poll of Sigma Dos, in May it would maintain its only councilor, Xabier Pérez Igrexas, rising from 5.7 to 6.9%.

The PSOE is, at the same time, the main rival and main ally of the BNG, especially in the big cities, since except for Pontevedra (nationalist mayor) and Ourense (governed by Gonzalo Pérez Jácome, from a local right-wing party), the rest of councilors are socialists: Vigo, A Coruña, Santiago, Lugo and Ferrol.

A 28-M of disappearances is coming. On the left, of the tides, originally linked to AGE -the platform of the historic Beiras, formerly of the BNG, and Yolanda Díaz- and then to Podemos. And on the right Ciudadanos vanishes. Despite the fact that this scenario would be more favorable to the BNG, the one that grows the most in the polls is the PP, favored by transfers from the PSOE and its attraction to all non-independence Galicians. For this reason, Pontón focused his criticism yesterday on the party led by Alfonso Rueda since Alberto Núñez Feijóo went to Genoa.

He reproaches the popular Galicians for being “at the service of Feijóo’s electoral strategy” and reproaches the current national leader for “he was the first to know of the economic, demographic and social destruction he was leaving in Galicia, therefore, as soon as could left for Madrid ».

In his claim to become the alternative vote for the left on 28-M, he puts on the table the endorsement of the municipalities where they govern. Faced with those who doubt the BNG’s government experience, Pontón breasts out that his municipal governments have overcome “all the obstacles” and “this string of things here cannot be done, there is nothing to do”, which he finished, preaches ” that self-conscious right or the left blinded by Madrid”, alluding to the PSOE.

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