In the murder trial against alleged sects Head, a coroner has charged the accused strong. The physician said before the district court of Hanau on Wednesday that the four-year-old Boy died in the house of the Hanauer group, because he was tied up in a linen bag. “The bag is ultimately been the cause for the death,” he said. It was an “external event” that led to a non-natural death. “Any reasonable person must recognize that there is no child-friendly treatment, to tie a child in a Sack,” said Marcel Verhoff, Director of the Institute for legal medicine of the University of Frankfurt.

The Professor went on in his statement that the little Boy had fallen into a deep unconsciousness, and then, before eating oat porridge smothered. A reconstruction of the fact, with a COP that was voluntarily put together in a Sack, have shown that such an approach could quickly lead to a dangerous loss of consciousness.

In the process, to answer to an alleged cult Boss for murder. The 72-year-old woman was responsible for the fact that the punishment in the Sack laced child died in August 1988. According to the indictment, the woman looked at the boy as possessed with Evil. You have to want him so kill. Lawyers for the woman to reject the murder charge.