Arde Madrid.
It is far and at the time.
In which Ava Gardner drank her life during her stay in Spain.
An imperishable imprint that served as a lighthouse for all those many more voluble stars who have wished to squeeze a few nights that by very seductive that they have never been as spelliers as once.
Rafael Amargo (46) took another step.
Simply, he centrifuged his life.
If a year ago the dancer cried out his innocence after leaving the dungeon exclaiming Ufano that “Pablo Escobar there is only one” (stopped him by an alleged crime of drug trafficking and belonging to a criminal organization), now he has been the court of instruction number
48 of Madrid who has concluded the investigation.

Rafael Amargo, his wife Luciana Bongianino, and his two partners, producer Eduardo de los Santos and Manuel Ángel B.A.
They are in the edge of the knife.
According to Magistrate Juan Ramón Reig, the Bailaor was “as the hinder of the framework, commissioning from the purchase of narcotic substances to supply the group.”
At the time, the Grenadine admitted that he took drugs “for the consumption of him” and even if he continues to proclaim the innocence of him “there are enough indications” to prosecute them for a crime against public health for drug trafficking and belonging to criminal group
In addition, the Instructor Judge stressed that “acted in the reception, preparation and distribution of narcotic substances, especially methamphetamine, third parties”.

Apparently, the quartet also trafficked with the following drugs: liquid ecstasy, ketamine, popper, mefedron, pink cocaine, testosterone and viagra.
The distribution was performed using “mules, mainly through Manuel Ángel B, and after contacting the buyer, Rafael sent the mule with the narcotic substances” in ubers or on foot.
From the investigations it follows that a large part of the money to buy the merchandise came from the producer of the Yerma show, which in the last month has had two star sheets, Carla Vigo (21), Niece of Queen Letizia, and Alejandro Reyes (21
) – Six of Ivonne Reyes, “who burst the ticket office.

In the framework of Operation Codax initiated almost two years ago by the Group of Narcotics of the District District Commissaria and the Anti-Drug Prosecutor’s Office, the experts slit down little by little the enigmas after clicking on the mobiles and talking with some witnesses.
In the neighborhoods of Chueca and Malasaña there was a rebound in the consumption of synthetic drugs for unbridled jourgls that lasted for days with sex (hard) between men and, from both, with some woman.

The modus operandi was simple. Although the Apartment in Bitter in Malasaña was in works -Loc witnessed it during a telephone conversation – the fame of the dancer attracted the users who had previously called by telephone or pressed the button of the automatic doorman. After completing the instructional phase carried out by the Instructional Judge, the Prosecutor’s Prosecutor’s Office has been transferred to the prosecutor’s prosecutor, its legal rating (crime, trafficking) will be determined, it will be specified which participation has had each of those incredible (author, accomplice, concealer), if there is any modificatory circumstance of responsibility (exempt or aggravating cause) and will also finally be requested the imposition of the penalty that corresponds to each one according to its participation. Once the prosecutor present the qualification letter, the judge will give transfer to the particular and verified accusation, all this will be declared open the oral trial and will pass the cars to the judge who is responsible for his prosecution.

The precautionary measure of last year by which the passports were requisitioned to the defendants has harmed bitter because, according to his agenda, 85% of the shows had them hired outside of Spain.
In fact, among the destinations to which I had to travel was India, where I was going to continue with the filming of the Barroz movie, a fantastic Genre Blockbuster for IMAX 3D in which it gives life to the Basque Portuguese navigator and navigator of Gama.
The project is starring the Mohanlal superstar, considered as the Indian version of Harrison Ford, which would have supposed for bitter the entrance through the large door to one of the most powerful industries on the planet.
In the midst of all the judicial vortex, LOC has had access to the poster (even not definitive) of the film.

After his first lawyer, Cándido Conde-Pumpido (son of the former State Attorney General between 2004-2011) will leave the case, now represents the prestigious Chocloro Buffet that has had as clients Cristiano Ronaldo for his fiscal problems, Cristina Cifuentes
For the Master’s case or Francisco Correa for Operation Gürtel.

A bitter does not have them all with them, but trust in justice.