Today, Tuesday May 2, the Catholic Church honors Saint Athanasius.

For 46 years he was Bishop of Alexandria in Egypt.

According to the Vatican website, at the Council of Nicea, San Anastasio was the only voice of orthodoxy against the widespread Arianism that denied the Trinitarian dogma.

However, and although his teacher was San Antonio Abad, San Atanasio was never a theologian. He died in the year 373.

The Catholic saints are the group of people recognized by the Church as saints or blessed on a specific date. The Roman Martyrology is the document that names and distributes in the calendar the almost 7,000 saints and blessed recognized by the Church.

The saints and saints are prominent men and women in the various religious traditions for their special relationships with the divinities or for a particular ethical elevation. While the consideration of blessed constitutes the third step on the path to canonization.

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