Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – The Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg is receiving funding of initially a good 100,000 euros for a research project to develop autonomous cargo bikes and other micromobiles. Another almost 400,000 euros are planned for 2023 – subject to available budget funds – the Ministry of Science in Magdeburg announced on Tuesday. The funds are to be used, for example, to further develop the prototypes that have been created so far. The aim of the “AuRa-Hirn” research project is the development of a universal module with which micromobiles can be equipped with automated and long-term autonomous driving functions. “AuRa” stands for autonomous bike.

“The traffic in our cities is changing. Numerous metropolises are already opting for car-free inner cities, which also creates a future market for automated micromobiles,” said State Secretary Thomas Wünsch. The University of Magdeburg is already technologically at the forefront in this area. The aim must also be to push the technology transfer into the economy and thus set the course for founding a start-up in the future field of autonomous driving.