The new citizens’ allowance is to replace Hartz IV in January. The details are hard to come by. Now a decisive compromise seems to have been found. What are the reactions in Saxony-Anhalt?

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – Saxony-Anhalt’s Minister of Social Affairs, Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD), has welcomed the compromises made by the government factions and the Union on the planned citizen benefit reform. The way is being paved for the largest labor market reform in 22 years, the minister said on Tuesday in Magdeburg. “Finally, Hartz IV can be overcome with the citizen’s income. It’s about more social security, more equal opportunities and more respect for life’s work.”

With the introduction of citizen’s income from the turn of the year, single people received 502 euros, couples 451 euros each and children between 318 and 420 euros, it said. There has never been such an increase in the standard rates in the more than 17-year history of SGB II. “The increase is absolutely justified in view of the current price increases and ensures a decent subsistence level,” says Grimm-Benne.

The state chairwoman of the FDP in Saxony-Anhalt, Lydia Hüskens, spoke of a reasonable compromise that would make a necessary reform of the social system possible. “The citizens’ allowance will now enable an even better balance between funding and demanding,” explained Hüskens. “We need strong incentives for all people to take up jobs that are subject to social security contributions.” With the adjustment of additional income opportunities, especially for young people, the basis would be created to break through so-called Hartz IV careers.

Clear criticism, however, came from the left. The leader of the state parliament, Eva von Angern, explained: “Poverty and harassment will continue to be enshrined in law in the future with the citizen’s income.”

After difficult talks, the government factions and the Union reached compromises on central issues, as they announced in Berlin on Tuesday. This Wednesday, the mediation committee set up by the Bundestag and Bundesrat for the controversial legislative project is to deal with it.

The citizens’ allowance planned by the traffic light government is to replace the current Hartz IV benefits on January 1, 2023. In the past few weeks, the Union had opposed central points of the project. Countries in which the CDU and CSU are in government blocked the reform in the Bundesrat and made sure that a mediation committee had to be called. The preliminary agreement that has now been reached provides for concessions to the Union on key points.

As requested by the Union, there should be more sanctions for recipients than originally planned. Benefit reductions should take effect from the start if, for example, the unemployed do not apply for a job even though this was agreed with the job center. In addition, the CDU and CSU had demanded that those affected be allowed to keep less of their own assets if they received the state benefit. The traffic light had planned a saving of 60,000 euros. The compromise now provides for an amount of 40,000 euros for the first person in a benefit community and 15,000 euros for each additional person.