Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) and Energy and Environment Minister Armin Willingmann (SPD) believe that gas prices should be capped quickly. “I’m calling for this again: we need a gas price cap and we need one as quickly as possible, both for the economy and for consumers,” said Willingmann on Tuesday in Magdeburg after a cabinet meeting.

Nor can one wait for excess profits or chance profits to be skimmed off. Rather, it must be considered whether the state would not make advance payments. “Now it would do much to calm the political situation if we quickly came to a cap on energy prices as a whole,” said Willingmann.

Prime Minister Haseloff said he supports that. Society must be relieved. This could happen through one-time relief payments. “But you can’t do that all the time, that would mean that the economy would be completely overwhelmed. Conversely, that means we have to come up with different prices. That’s the big task that we have to solve.”