Halle (dpa/sa) – In Saxony-Anhalt, the number of commuters has increased – from both directions. According to current data, in June 2022 there were around 864,400 employees in the country subject to social security contributions. Of these, 143,300 people worked in another federal state, 2,400 more than in the previous year. However, there was also a lack of local specialists, said Markus Behrens, head of the Saxony-Anhalt-Thuringia regional office of the Federal Employment Agency, on Monday. “If the infrastructure and working conditions are right, some commuters could be brought back,” he emphasized. Digitization enables mobile working. This is an opportunity to keep skilled workers on site.

According to the information, most commuters from Saxony-Anhalt worked in Lower Saxony (37,900), in Saxony (36,500) and in Thuringia (14,500) in mid-2022. In June 2022, more than one in six employees subject to social security contributions residing in Saxony-Anhalt commuted to work in another federal state.

In terms of qualifications, 83,500 people from Saxony-Anhalt worked elsewhere as skilled workers, and 39,900 as specialists and experts in their profession. Around 19,800 people were employed outside of the federal state in helper occupations. Broken down by economic sector, 28,200 were employed in manufacturing, 18,100 in the motor vehicle industry, 15,100 in warehousing and 14,400 in construction.

According to the information, the number of people from other federal states who are employed subject to social security contributions in Saxony-Anhalt has also increased. The number of so-called commuters in June 2022 was around 76,000, a year earlier it was 72,800 people. Most commuters come from Saxony (26,000), Lower Saxony (9900), Thuringia (9600) and Brandenburg (7900).