Leipzig/Chemnitz/Dresden (dpa/sn) – Industry, trade and crafts in Saxony have warned of the far-reaching effects of rising energy prices. The Saxon Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHKs) and the Chambers of Crafts (HWKs) announced on Tuesday that there was a risk of an “energy infarction” that could endanger the substance of the entire German economy and result in enormous economic and social upheavals. The third relief package planned by the federal government does not contain any suitable countermeasures, it said.

In order to have a dampening effect on the prices for electricity, gas, coal, oil and carbon dioxide, which have been rising continuously for a year, the chambers called for an expansion of the offers. “Instead of a gas surcharge, a state financing instrument should also be launched, which stabilizes wholesalers with losses from the operative business,” it said.

Other demands made by the chambers on politicians include a protective shield for municipal suppliers, a supply commitment for systemically important companies in the event of a gas emergency and an obligation for suppliers not to exclude companies from a basic supply.

The Greens faction meanwhile spoke out in favor of a separate Saxon aid package. This is intended to cushion private households, municipalities, state institutions and the economy, which is not taken into account in the federal relief package. At the beginning of September, representatives of the Saxon state government, business, energy suppliers, the housing industry, municipalities, trade unions, welfare organizations and the consumer protection center discussed possible solutions to the energy crisis at an energy summit.