Dresden (dpa / sn) – Almost a year and a half after the violent death of a young man in the Gorbitz prefab district, a 22-year-old has to answer for murder at the Dresden Regional Court. According to the indictment read out on Tuesday, the public prosecutor also accuses him of attempted manslaughter, dangerous bodily harm and theft. According to this, the asylum seeker from Afghanistan is said to have killed the compatriot of the same age after a dispute on June 27, 2021 in order to cover up the other crimes. He turned himself in hours later and made statements, since then he has been silent. His defense attorney said his client declined to comment.

According to the public prosecutor’s office, the accused first rammed a knife into his acquaintance’s neck during the night in his apartment, severed an artery and then stole at least 100 euros. He gambled away the money, came back three hours later and strangled the victim with a belt. A detective found the body hidden under blankets and pillows next to the sofa bed in the morning. The two refugees met in Germany.

The process will continue on Thursday, with another eight days of negotiations planned until mid-December.