Leipzig (dpa/sn) – In Leipzig, there is a risk of significant restrictions on Friday due to a warning strike in the public sector. As the Verdi union announced on Thursday, around 2,000 employees in several areas could stop working. The day-care centers and after-school care centers in the city, the transport companies, the city cleaning and the savings bank are affected by the strike. The employment agency, the Stasi documents authority, the pension insurance, the district of Leipzig, the Leipzig city administration as well as community and city administrations in the surrounding area would also be included in the strike.

The Leipzig public transport company warned of “significant restrictions on scheduled services”. A spokesman said it would only become clear in the morning how many employees would come to work. It is therefore unclear how many vehicles of the transport company are on the roads on Friday. According to Verdi, the employees of the transport company should stop their work at around 3 a.m. and start again on Saturday at 5 a.m.

The city of Leipzig has published a list of the affected day care centers and after-school care centers on its website. According to a spokeswoman, the information is constantly being updated. The city was not aware of any restrictions in the citizen service on Thursday. But: “It’s not set in stone,” said the spokeswoman. It cannot be ruled out that there will be no employees in the citizen service on Friday.

What is certain is that there will be restrictions on city cleaning on Friday and Saturday. According to the company, this primarily affects the emptying of organic and residual waste bins, street cleaning and emptying of wastebaskets. In addition, it can be assumed that the recycling centers will remain closed on Friday and Saturday. The city cleaning advises citizens to provide bins as usual and to leave unemptied bins. They will be picked up next week from Monday, it said.

According to Verdi, the day of the strike will start with a rally at around 9 a.m. on Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz, followed by a demonstration at around 10.30 a.m. The union is demanding higher wages for public sector employees – at least 500 euros per month.