Grafenrheinfeld/Würgassen (dpa/lby) – A transport with low-level radioactive waste has arrived at the Grafenrheinfeld interim storage facility in Lower Franconia. This was confirmed by a spokeswoman for the company PreussenElektra on Thursday. The containers delivered by truck as dangerous goods transport come from the former Würgassen nuclear power plant in North Rhine-Westphalia. The waste would now be received by the operator of the interim storage facility. This was followed by initial measurements, it said.

According to the information, the waste includes scrap metal, construction waste and mineral insulating material. The waste would remain in Grafenrheinfeld for a maximum of ten years, said the head of the plant in Würgassen.

Würgassen is a district of Beverungen in the Westphalian district of Höxter. The nuclear power plant at the site was shut down in 1995. Since autumn 2020, PreussenElektra GmbH has been packing the remaining low-level and intermediate-level radioactive waste from the plant and passing it on to the federal company for interim storage (BGZ) for transport and interim storage. Since 2019, it has been operating the interim storage facility in Grafenrheinfeld near Schweinfurt, which was built in 2006. The nuclear power plant there has not been in operation since 2015.