Dresden (dpa / sn) – In the future, Saxony’s geological archive can be researched online. Environment Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) and Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow (CDU) activated the Digital Geological Archive Saxony DiGA.Sax on Friday in the Saxon State Library – State and University Library Dresden (SLUB). The portal enables quick and easy research and viewing of the digitized documents in the extensive archive of the Saxon Geological Service (SGD).

Günther spoke of a “milestone for the use of geological data”. This would make old and new data more publicly accessible, which is the basis for many decision-making, planning and implementation processes. Gemkow wished “for future research one or the other treasure that is found with the help of DiGA.Sax”.

The geological archive includes more than two kilometers of shelves with more than 50,000 documents, which are gradually being digitized. Almost 20,000 are already available to the public. The digital holdings can be used by authorities, science and business, but also by interested parties. According to the ministry, the Free State has a unique density of geoscientific data, the stocks go back to the 18th century and are constantly growing with data from current geological investigations, which are archived in the SLUB for a long time and are thus permanently secured.