Offenbach/Dresden (dpa/sn) – According to a preliminary evaluation by the German Weather Service (DWD), October 2022 was the second warmest in Saxony since weather records began. The average temperature was 12.2 degrees – it was only warmer in 2001, when an average temperature of 12.4 degrees was reached, as the DWD announced on Monday. The long-term average from 1961 to 1990 is 9.0 degrees in Saxony. In Germany, temperatures and precipitation have been continuously recorded since 1881.

Compared to other regions, Saxony was one of the coolest regions, which, according to the DWD, is due to the many mountains in the Free State. Rainfall was 25 liters per square meter, 22 liters below the long-term average. The sun was out for 150 hours, 32 hours longer than the long-term average.

In Germany, October 2022 is one of the two warmest months since records began, according to data available to date. According to the current status, the meteorologists assume an average value of 12.5 degrees, which corresponds to the record value from 2001. Since it is about tenths of a degree, it is still open whether the previous October peak value will perhaps even be exceeded, it said.