Radebeul (dpa/sn) – The Landesbühnen Sachsen are starting the 2022/23 season under the motto “All our blood is red”. 22 premieres are planned, eight each in drama and music theater, as the artistic director announced on Thursday in Radebeul. Among them are three premieres: the dance theater “Eigenarten” and the choreography “Superhero(es)” as well as “Das rote Paket” in the figure theater. New to the management team are Ruth Heynen as head dramaturge, opera director Kai Ann Schumacher and Natalie Wagner as head of the dance company.

In addition to classic productions such as “Woyzec” by Georg Büchner, Goethe’s “Faust” or “Don Giovanni” by Mozart, the program also includes the play “Unterleuten” based on the novel by Juli Zeh, as well as the comedy “Harold and Maude” and Jules Massenet’s opera “Werther”. The dance project “Poetry of Resonance” opens the premieres on October 15 – it is the contribution of Natalie Wagner.

The Junge.studio relies on participatory offers, also plays in day care centers or schools in the region and shows, among other things, the piece collage “All our blood is red”, designed by opera director Schumacher especially for schools.

In cooperation with the German-Sorbian Volkstheater Bautzen, the operetta “Die Zirkusprinzessin” has its premiere, with the Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau and Dresden high school students the project “Der Schwarze Spiegel” is realized, and in cooperation with the Cloud Theater and the Wroclawski Teatr Lalek in Poland creates the figure theater production “Rauschen”.