Leipzig (dpa / sn) – After the basic agreement on a 49-euro ticket, according to the MDV transport association, it is still unclear when exactly the offer will come. Details between the countries, the sales partners and the local transport industry still have to be clarified, said spokeswoman Juliane Vettermann on Thursday. All subscription customers would be informed promptly. Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) had named the turn of the year as a goal.

The MDV sees the fact that the federal and state governments have agreed to increase the so-called regionalization funds as a first positive signal. However, it is not yet possible to assess whether the additional funds will be sufficient to maintain the existing transport service. The rise in energy prices is having a significant impact on local transport.

The federal government wants to permanently increase the regionalization funds with which the federal states order train and bus connections from the transport companies. The federal states had made this a condition that they co-finance the 49-euro ticket. The new ticket costs three billion euros. The federal and state governments each finance half of it.

The MDV tariff area includes the cities of Leipzig and Halle as well as the districts of Leipzig, North Saxony, Saalekreis, Burgenlandkreis and Altenburger Land.