According to a representative survey, more than 40 percent of companies in Germany have already been affected by a cyber attack. The damage can be immense – the topic of cyber security is therefore high on the agenda for many.

According to a study, almost a third of the companies in Saxony have already been the target of a cyber attack. Commerzbank reports that attempts have been made particularly frequently to steal data using phishing emails. Nationwide, 43 percent of the companies surveyed reported that they had already been attacked.

Commerzbank had commissioned the study from the opinion research institute Ipsos. Nationwide, more than 2,500 companies with an annual turnover of up to 15 million euros were surveyed by telephone. 100 companies were surveyed in Saxony. The results are representative.

One in eight of the affected companies in Bavaria also suffered damage from cybercrime. These ranged from financial losses to image damage to the loss of customers or customer data. Almost 90 percent of the companies stated in the survey that cyber security was an important issue for them.