Scotland Yard will question more than 50 people in Drowned Street by the “Partygate”, according to the London police in a statement.
The “Premier” Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie are among the possible questioning, as well as the advisors directly involved and the “Junior” staff.

The questionnaires will be referred at the end of the week and must be completed within seven days.
Scotland Yard has not specified how long it will take to complete the research, baptized as “Hillman Operation”.

Police investigations are focused on twelve events that occurred between May 2020 and April 2021, several of them during the three confines of the Covid in the United Kingdom or at times when they were in force severe restrictions.

If the police conclude that the Rules of the Covid were violated “without a reasonable excuse”, personal fines may be imposed from 100 pounds.
Boris Johnson supposedly attended at least three of the parties investigated, although the list could be extended to four after the publication of the festival photos of the December 15, 2020 in which the “Premier” appears next to two members of his team
and a bottle of Prosecco.

Scotland Yard issued a statement on Wednesday informing that the decision not to investigate that party of “Questions and Answers” will be “revised” in the light of the new evidence.
The police confirmed that this event was not initially among the 12 festivals investigated because they were initially determined that there was no indication of a supposed criminal offense.

At the time when the “Perhaps Party” was held in the “Premier” mansion, London was under the severe restrictions of “level 2”, which expressly prohibited the mix of people from different homes in closed places.
The Government had expressly warned the British who will avoid the celebration of Christmas parties.

During a dialectical exchange in Parliament, the Labor Deputy Fabian Hamilton snapped the “Premier” referring to the image: “This looks a lot like the Christmas parties that you told us that they had never occurred.”