A very warm air mass of African origin over the Peninsula will cause an exceptional rise in temperatures over the next few days, with values ​​more typical of July than of April, and that will raise thermometers to 39-40 degrees in Seville, 35 degrees in Toledo and Zaragoza, 33 degrees in Madrid and 30 degrees in Burgos, reports Efe.

The temperatures will increase from this Monday in Spain, which will leave records for June in the last week of April, since there will be between six and ten degrees more than the normal average in most of Spain.

This is reflected in the prediction of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), which pointed to a rise in daytime temperatures “notably” from Monday to Wednesday. The ascent already began this Sunday, due to anticyclonic weather, although there were some rains, less than expected for days in many parts of the country.

Thus, the Aemet indicated that on the first day of the week, the maximum temperatures will rise in the western half of the Peninsula and the minimum will rise in the southern half of the peninsula. Few changes are expected elsewhere. There will be a possibility of weak frosts in the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian mountain range.

Throughout the extreme north of the peninsula, it will be generally cloudy, with the possibility of weak rainfall, more likely in Galicia. There will also be cloudy intervals in other areas of the northern half of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, in addition, little cloudy skies will predominate in the southern half. In the Canary Islands, there will be cloudy intervals in the north of the islands.

As for the winds, those of the western component will predominate in the Peninsula, except in the Mediterranean area, where they will be of variable direction. In the Canary Islands, a moderate trade wind will blow from the northeast.

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