Barely 24 hours after saving in extremis two of the three decrees that the Government submitted to a vote by the deputies, Pedro Sánchez boasts of “intelligent management” of the plurality and of “forging great agreements.” The President of the Government considers that the “only way to progress” is political agreements based on this management and the “empathy of political plurality and territorial diversity.” The governability of the coalition is supported by the nationalist formations, and Podemos, which, as has been evident this week, will try to squeeze the maximum that the Executive needs from everyone in all the votes.

Sánchez was in charge of closing the Spain Investors Day (SID), a unique professional forum in Spain in which large international investors can learn about the current situation of the main Spanish listed companies. An appointment in which he has sold our country as “an ideal place to invest”, but in which he has taken the opportunity to, implicitly, defend his pacts and alliances with the nationalists, despite the fact that they involve Dantesque situations such as those experienced this week in the Senate.

In front of investors, the Chief Executive has shown his commitment to establishing and deepening the reforms initiated last term and has boasted of “forging great agreements that reflect the social majority of the country.” He also wanted to show that Spain’s “institutional strength” is one of the factors that is contributing to the improvement of the economic situation compared to the year of the Covid 19 pandemic.

In his presentation, he did not miss the opportunity to send a new message to the PP, after the socialists, faced with the risk that their rules would not be approved by their partners, appealed to the popular people to support them, but without negotiation per se. medium, without obtaining any result. “I would like to ask those who yesterday opposed two important royal decrees to reconsider their strategy, to abandon an opposition that, in my opinion, is destructive, contrary to the social majority, and to always put the interest of the country before any other,” he said. indicated.

“If they do, I can guarantee that they will have our total and absolute willingness to agree, because opposition does not consist of opposing the interest of the social majority, but rather contributing to the benefit of the social majority,” was the dart for the main opposition party.