Tennessee Tech hasn’t taken any disciplinary action’now’

Faculty members Julia Gruber and Andrew Smith supposedly spread flyers on campus that stated the faculty’s Turning Point USA members along with the chapter’s faculty adviser, Andrew Donadio, weren’t welcome, based on Fox 17 Nashville.

“I am not certain why they’d choose to assault the pupils and myself, and create an environment that is hostile to communicating, that is threatening and debilitating,” Donadio told”Fox & Friends” on Saturday, adding that his coworkers who published the fliers were”specialists in English” and”knew precisely what they were doing”

Gruber is a associate professor of German and Smith is an English teacher, according to the report.

Turning Point USA is a traditional grassroots organization with a mission to”teach pupils about the value of financial responsibility, free markets, and limited government,” according to its site.

“Your hatred [and] hypocrisy aren’t welcome in Tennessee Tech!”

It proceeds:”This racist school professor thought it’d be a terrific idea to help start a Tennessee Tech chapter with this national hate band, in which racist students may combine to frighten, threaten, intimidate and terrorize persons of color, feminists, liberals and so on, particularly their teachers”

Tennessee Tech’s Turning Point chapter president Gittle Sciolis stated,”It has been a crazy ride as the start.”

She added that”it is very hard hearing these words” come in”people that are supposed to function as teachers, particularly at the college you adore a lot.”

“There is no details [or] anything supporting their words,” she stated, adding that she had been happy to have”this kind of supportive college and college adviser.”

The college told Fox News in a declaration it is after its”policy processes” which”no disciplinary action was taken now” from Gruber or Smith.

Robb Bigelow, a lawyer for the group, told Fox News in an announcement which the professors”publicly welcome a wholesome debate concerning Turning Point USA, its own campus leader, and its own members.”

“They welcome a market of ideas by which members of Turning Point USA attempt to prove them wrong and possibly even challenge the Professors in their particular beliefs. However they shouldn’t be penalized for espousing those secure beliefs in the first location.”

Gruber and Smith allegedly made a decision to create the flyers following Donadio cheered a local school board choice to not rename that the Algood Middle School Redskins mascot in a meeting, based on Newsweek.

“I discovered Mr. Donadio’s behaviour in the school board meeting , unprofessional, given his position as county commissioner, and aggressive, frightening, really, considering the Native American friend, his wife and two small children, were in the area too,” Gruber informed the socket.

Smith told Newsweek he left the writings”as an act of rhetorical defiance” and”of purposeful parody, to maintain a mirror into the hateful methods of Turning Point,” referencing the team’s”Professor Watchlist,” which titles academics”who discriminate against conservative students and progress leftist propaganda in the classroom,” in accordance with the Turning Point site.

Smith added that his FB feed is”full of our regional neighbors gloating the R-word will be kept as a college mascot,” that”broke” something within his”damaging heart”

Donadio said Smith nor Gruber have contacted him.

Gruber and Smith didn’t respond to Fox News’ requests for comment.