The cancellation – de facto-of the local surplus value has ignited the alerts in the main town halls.
After the Constitutional Court touched on Tuesday the calculation of the tax, mayors of the PSOE, the PP, of the coalitions close to United Can and of the nationalist and independence parties have coincided in demanding the Government a rapid solution, because if not their coffers
They will be in danger.

They want the legislation to be modified to establish the surplus value again – but this time in a fully constitutional way – and that the Ministry of Finance articulates a fund to compensate them as long as they do not charge it.
This is, as the world has known, what is going to ask the Government from the president of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), the Socialist Abel Knight.

“The first thing we have to do is study the sentence. Afterwards, request compensation and a rule that replaces the invalce law,” says FEMP sources.
It is something that shares the main party of the opposition, the PP.

“But we also demand the urgent call from the National Commission of Local Administration [the largest conclave between government and town halls], with the presence of the Ministers of Finance [Maria Jesús Montero] and Territorial Policy [Isabel Rodríguez], to realize this
Subject, “says this newspaper the Vice-Secretary General of Territorial Policy of the Popular, Antonio González Terol.

The Ministry of Finance has not been ahead of responding.
“The Government, pending the full publication of the sentence, last a legal draft that will guarantee the constitutionality of the tribute, will offer legal security to taxpayers and certainty to the Town Councils,” the Department of Montero has assured in a statement.

This commitment is aligned with the requests of the mayors, but they also claim an economic aid that calls the effects of the sentence until the law is changed

The discomfort is transversal among the mayors.
Not so much for the judgment, which was expected, as they consider a passivity of the Executive, which could have changed the law before and has not announced it until now.

The Mayor of Gerona, Marta Madrenasa (Junts per Catalunya), has assured this diary that “you have to regulate it fast and reduce the impact” of the failure.
“It is true that it could have been done before” the reform, affirms.
“Now they will have to take quick measures, if only two months last two months, we can assume it,” he says

“And on the other hand we need economic compensations, because this supposes a difficulty for the town halls at a few moments when we needed to be better endowed,” explains Madrenasa.
“They have to be immediate compensations, because local surplus value is more than 2% of income and that is a lot. This can not be like that,” she insists.

PP mayors are going to ask for an urgent meeting of the Government Board of FEMP before the Recaudatory Merma that supposes for Mayors the end of the tax at a critical moment for municipal coffers, after the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
He is already waiting, even that the Ministry of Finance approves the fund against the Covid that promised them.

Jorge Azcón, First Edil de Zaragoza, has affirmed the world that “in practice they will have to freeze the municipal budgets of 2022”, since the City Councils can not make their accounts without a tax that represents more than 2,300 million of

“And it will impact more to the big town councils,” he warns, “in a year in which the rise in energy is going to impact a lot and already supposed a strong surchate,” adds Azcón.
The mayor of Zaragoza complains that Hacienda arrives late: “He has been renovating the norm for two years. That delay of the Law of Local Hacondas is a strong blow,” he says.

“The living liquidations of the tax tax are going to have to be returned, probably, although we have to wait for the full judgment,” explains Azcón, who demands “a compensation fund in the general budgets of the state of 2022” that
Cover in advance the returns of local surplus value.

“Everything will depend on the standard that makes it imminently to change the legislation. It has to be a decree, you can not do a reform of the Local Base Law, it is too long,” he says.

Sources of the City Council of Madrid ensure that “the surplus value is the second tribute with the greatest collection capacity of all those who manage the Madrid City Council.”
“By 2021, it has been scheduled for this tribute in the Town Hall Income Budget a figure close to 500 million euros”.

“The lack of initiative of the Government of Spain not only has not resolved the situation, but has allowed it to be aggravated (…) in repeated occasions, it has been claimed to the nation’s government that it does not prolong its legislative inactivity in terms of
Surrounding and undertaken a legal reform of this tax to provide it with greater legal security and to compensate the City Councils for the loss of income in this tax, “they add in the delegation of Finance of the Consistory.