The Czech Prime Minister, dotted by Pandora’s roles, looks for re-election

Czechs celebrate today and tomorrow legislative choices without forecasts of change in the configuration of the current government.
Nobody expects urns to pick up the disappointment or punishment to a prime minister who aspires re-election from the first positions of the so-called “Pandora papers”.
The alliance leader of disgruntled citizens (anus), Andrej Babis, the richest man in the country, leads surveys with 28.2 percent support, far ahead of the other parties.

The responsibility, when it is of many, is difficult to exempt because it becomes part of normality and the “papers of Pandora” appear, as well as Babis, 300 Czech citizens.

According to the Czech server, which participated in an investigation of the International Consortium of Research Journalists (ICIJ), Babis, Founder of the Agrofert Group has moved more than 16 million euros through offshore companies, with those subsequently
It acquired real estate in the French Riviera, including Bigaud Castle in Mougins (France), near Cannes.
The property was acquired in 2009 through Sede-screen companies in Washington and in the Virgin Islands.
The castle is more than 40,000 square meters and is surrounded by medieval farms.
In addition to that property, Babis acquired in the same way another seven farms only a few kilometers from the castle.
Among them, a two-story villa with pool and a garage.

Babis has not denied those properties, but if he had acted illegally.
For this, the appearance of it in those “papers” is an attempt to slander and influence the parliamentary elections that are held on Friday and Saturday.
Nothing because it makes Babis fear that his party is going back to the 2017 elections and loses the ability to form a new coalition.
On that occasion babis he attended the polls with an electoral program similar to that of the American Donald Trump.
He promised to end corruption and tax evasion.
“Trump said: ‘Let’s make us big again’. It’s what I say too. Let’s do the Czech Republic strong again,” he repeated.

Babis, however, did not include this offshore corporate structure or the properties in the patrimonial statements he has to present for his public office, in accordance with the investigation of
The media, however, already suspected from the millionaire with political ambitions.
Shortly before the 2017 elections, the local media discovered that the secret owner of the most important luxury resort in the country, south of Prafa, was the AgroFet consortium, the same as, supposedly, was doing illicit use to the field aid
of Brussels.

The Czech Prime Minister, who has been addressed several times by reporters of the International Consortium of Research Journalists (ICIJ), has refused to answer the questions.
On one of the occasions, one of his bodyguard proposed a nudge of one of the journalists who asked him about this issue.

Babis, according to all the forecasts, will rise with victory, although he will not be able to govern alone.
The reissue of the current coalition will depend on the results of its coalition partner, the Czech Social Democratic Party (CSSD), which, with a 4.6% projection in the surveys, could be out of Parliament.

Behind anus are the Ultraderechist Freedom and Direct Democracy Party, with 13%, Eel Pirate Party (10.6%) and the conservative Civic Democratic Party (ODS,) with 10.3%.

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