Telefónica will spend 1,600 million at the low of 2,800 empleadosBanco Santander reduces to 3.464 layoffs, 249 less, his proposal of ERELas companies, triggered layoffs for those over 50

Over 50 years of age. It is the most vulnerable group, always in the pools when it is necessary to lighten templates. Finding a job is mission impossible, keep it also becomes an odyssey in the current times in which the emergence of the digital era is taken many times as an excuse to dispense with a collective of more than six million workers who, by their seniority in the company charges higher salaries than those who perceive the promotions later. “Although they can be more productive, for the accumulated experience, that experience can be to your disadvantage by changing the way you work for the incorporation of new technologies. is That requires adaptation to change; the myth is that at those ages it is more difficult, although it doesn’t have to be true”, says José Ramón Pin, professor of IESE.

Telefónica has announced that it provisioned with 1,600 million to fund the new Plan of Individual Suspension (PSI) to advance the process of digitalization and automation of processes, which will entail the departure of a voluntary basis of the company in Spain of nearly 2,800 workers over 53 years, providing 68% of their salary without going to work and maintaining their employment relationship and all social security contributions until retirement age. It is a formula of interruption of the employment relationship that is not a redundancy or a retirement, so there is no cost to the State. The operator estimated that this plan will generate savings of approximately 220 million from the year 2021 , and a positive effect on cash generation in the first year.

A seismic shift

And is that the world is facing a revolution in work that will bring about a seismic shift in the way in which people work together with machines and algorithms. According to estimates by the World Economic Forum, by 2025 more than half of all current tasks in the workplace shall be carried out by machines, compared with 29% today. is Such a transformation will have a profound effect on the global workforce ; however, in terms of overall numbers of new jobs, the prospects are positive: it is expected that you will believe 133 million new jobs by 2022, in contrast with the 75 million that will be displaced.

Based on a survey of human resources directors and chief executives of strategic enterprises belonging to twelve sectors and twenty developed and emerging economies (which together represent 70% of global GDP), the report reveals that 54% of employees of large companies would need to recycle and improve its capabilities considerably to take advantage of the growth opportunities offered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

at The same time, slightly more than half of the companies surveyed stated that they planned to recualificar only to employees who play key roles, while only a third plan to recualificar workers at risk.

According to a study conducted by the Adecco Group and the Institute Cuatrecasas, most of the professionals in human resources (three in four) believe that the advancement of robotics will not lead to the destruction of jobs. In fact, an important part of them ensures that will lead to the creation of new jobs up to now unknown. In this line is maintained Santiago Soler, secretary-general of the Adecco Group, who says that “the development and implementation of robotics in the companies will help us to become better professionals well, providing us with tools that will allow us to get to where ever before we had arrived. And, as much as technology advances, will always be necessary for people to put into practice everything learned, to provide some emotional component to each position and to make better societies in which they are integrated. In short, the human factor will remain essential for the functioning of the companies, since it is a value irreplaceable”.

“The professionals employed in the large company should be aware that in them from the age of 50 years or you’re fired or you’re fired”, says Pin. This professor recommends a few years before reaching the age must “design and implement a recycling plan in which a part consists of catching up on the digital technologies. Whether you are looking to find a job working for others (difficult), how to start a company or act as a freelancer it is necessary to know them and being accustomed to handling them. With them it saves cost, time and displacement. Without them you can not fit in with businesses or with customers who need and are immersed in the digital world”. He adds, however, that if you have not done before, it is necessary to “train in new technologies right away. The first period for recycling -points – should be in it. It opens up a great market of training for the age of the experience”.

Ensures José Ramón Pin that for any activity it is necessary to form and in some cases “it is interesting to use the coaching reverse. That is to say, to learn of younger people. Of course teachers in technology, but also of family members (children, siblings, …)”. Explains that a special case is that of those who start a business venture. “In addition, there are many opportunities in digital any industry is revolutionized with the use of new technologies and are those that are new to the sector who have fewer ties to the traditional processes as much by mentality as by not to be tied by investments or earlier habits”. He adds that the need makes virtue and that “therefore, like it or not the cincuentañeros (not cincuentones) will have to dive into the digital world and that is a challenge we cannot avoid”.

In the L ibro’s White paper on the system of training in the workplace developed by the CEOE league closely the competitiveness with the volume of the adult population that way. Used in this publication with data of the Cedefop to ensure that in Spain only to perform some type of training each year, one in three people of working age, that is to say, 33.1% against 48.3% in Germany or the numbers of over 60% in the nordic countries. Unlike what happens in Spain, in Germany, for example, firms finance the training that they consider necessary and also support the Federal Employment Agency with the training of young people, unskilled and older than 50 years.