The businessman who paid 1.85 million in Garzón accuses him of “not having done the work,”The chavez Hugo Carvajal refuses to be extradited to the united States

The National Audience appreciates “a political motivation” in the claim of the united States of the old general chavez Hugo Carvajal, who is currently in Spain after being arrested in Madrid last April. The Spanish judges have rejected the extradition of the venezuelan military to consider vague allegations that he is linked to drug trafficking and to locate the request in the strategy of u.s. policy regarding Venezuela. The court released Carvajal yesterday, after taking the decision.

In the car to justify its decision, the Criminal explains that the description of the facts provided by the united States lacks precision, since it did not specify what concrete actions with a criminal nature are attributed to Carvajal, who was head of military intelligence of venezuela with Hugo Chávez . The description of the facts, according to the resolution, does not contain the determination sufficient, even when referring to the unique consignment referred to, a transport of 5.6 tons of cocaine “from Venezuela to Mexico on a jet DC-9”. This means that the tribunal act according to what the law requires.

Carvajal had shown his refusal to be extradited to the united States for its view of extradition last week on the grounds that “do not trust in the justice of the united States”. In addition, the former general of venezuela justified its relationship with the FARC, whose links he accuses the justice north american, ensuring that this occurred by order of the exmandatario Hugo Chavez as part of his work as head of the military intelligence of venezuela. Carvajal has behind him a military career of 30 years.

The Criminal explains that the affidavit of an agent of the DEA (the u.s. drug agency of the united States) allows you to verify that there is an investigation of the facts, but cannot be used to integrate the single story factual on which to make the judgment of subsumption of the facts in the criminal, being of a “conduct open, abstract and inconcreta”. The judges go beyond that and allege that the extradition must also be denied because the facts would fit if it’s a military offence, to refer to an action that Carvajal was developed as a military and direct services to venezuelan intelligence, something that prohibits the agreement with U.S.

“finally, and for the same reasons exposed, you would understand that the claim is based on a political motivation to demand the delivery of Hugo Carvajal by its status as a former director of the military intelligence service during the presidencies of Chavez and Maduro, as part of the strategy of u.s. policy with regard to Venezuela”, concludes the resolution, against which to appeal.

The claimed -whose relevance in the media was raised last February by a video recognized as “president in charge” the opposition leader John Guaidó – is an old acquaintance of the Justice of the U.S. According to the accusations that are years behind him, the former military known as “the Chicken” would have been the central figure in the plot of drug trafficking put in place by the own Hugo Chavez and whose activities have been carried out several generals, known as the “cartel of the Suns”. He was arrested in the year 2014 in the Netherlands, and returned to be arrested in the past month of April in our country.