“When Dew Flowers was, his mother not let him see his brother,”Amador Mohedano load hard against Fidel Albiac

During this week, the star of “rescue me” has been the poor relation of Rocio Carrasco with their two children – Spray and David Flores -, fruit of his first marriage with Antonio David Flores .

Yesterday afternoon, Kiko Matamoros asked for the floor to reveal a fact that left all the employees with the mouth open. “I’m going to tell you the absolute truth of an experience that I lived, I unintentionally and by personal and family circumstances. As all the world knows, because it has been made public, the son of Rocio and Antonio received care, support and medical monitoring”, it began on television, to what the presenter Carlota Corredera he added: “A child with special needs that has a follow-up and comprehensive treatment”.

And Matamoros continued: “I have a daughter, the youngest, was born with a few spots on the skin, which might have had some episode of undesirable neurological. The two were seen in the query of the best pediatric neurologist that you may have in Madrid”, and warned that “with this I don’t want to judge as a parent to anyone, but it’s very difficult for that doctor treats you, because you have an agenda repletísima. You gave consultation every four months more or less. It is important to follow up and that deadlines are met”.

under the watchful gaze of their peers, Kiko added: “One day I met with Antonio David and the nurse told me that they were already two times that when the custody coincided with Rocío Carrasco, the child was not going to the doctor”, and said that called to Antonio David to prove the point, and that “confirmed it for me crying” .