The former responsible for regulatory compliance with Mónica Carmona has appeared on Tuesday before the court who investigates the possible use as a nanny by Irene Montero of his advisor at the Ministry of Equality Teresa Arévalo.

The lawyer has ratified the denunciation of these facts that he did before the judge of the neuron case.
Before the magistrate who has assumed this new cause, Carmona has argued that she received an internal complaint by these facts and that later several we can confirm that the former deputy and current adviser exercised from caregiver for the minister.
To the point that in internal circles she knew her as “La Nanny”, according to her she has specified her.

Carmona has appeared by videoconference from Barcelona.
The physical distance that separated him with the representation of we can not prevent the interrogation from being very hard, according to sources present in the statement.

One of the moments in which the tension has risen has been when the defense has claimed that Carmona indicated who had confirmed those alleged caregiver tasks.
Carmona – which appeared as a witness and, therefore, with the legal obligation to answer all the questions – has welcomed Professional Secret not to do so.
An option that, despite the lit protests of the representation of we can and arévalo, Judge José Manria Escribano has accepted.

In addition to professional secret, Carmona has added a reason not to offer more information: that when he began to investigate this matter, along with other alleged irregularities of we can, he was dismissed.

The same happened to another responsible for the regulatory compliance of training, José Manuel Calvent.
The allegations of both after the dismissal of him have ended up opening several investigations on the performance of we can.
The main one, about the legality of its payments to the neuron consultancy.

The dismissal was the reason why, for example, Carmona has not offered more details about who paid to Arévalo, and therefore what kind of funds they were destining the caregiver’s work.
About this aspect declared as charged the treasurer of the formation, Daniel de Fruits, and the manager, Esther Val, who argued that Arévalo never charged from we can, but of the parliamentary group when he obtained the seat of him.

He also commented as an accused of the judge, his own arévalo, who denied having worked as a nanny.
The fact that she accepted was that she was on some occasion she had caught her for a moment to a daughter of Irene Montero and Pablo Iglesias, as other people would have done.

At the end of the Declaration, the Head of Legal Affairs of Vox, Marta Castro, has highlighted “the aggressiveness” of the investigated defenses, which would evider “nervousness or internal war they have in we can”.

For its part, the lawyer of we can Raúl Maíllo, which represents the treasurer of we can, has considered that the denunciation of Carmona has no validity consisting of reference testimonies, which in his opinion would explain both the absence of the Prosecutor’s Office in the Declaration
As the decision of the judge not to demand the lawyer to give the names of those among the party, the use of Arévalo had been confirmed as a nanny.