The Council of Ministers has approved the AENA Plan and Investments on Tuesday, called Aeroportuaria II Regulation Document (Dora II), which provides for investments of 2,250 million in Spanish airports.

As expected, the Government has not given up to the pressures that have arrived from the Generalitat and business sectors and has not included in the plan the expansion of Josep Tarradellas-El Prat airport, which was an investment of 1,200 million euros in twenty
Dora II does undertake investments at Adolfo Suárez-Barajas Airport for € 1,600 million.

The Minister Spokesman, Isabel Rodríguez, has affirmed that the Dora II is the “essential instrument to guarantee the accessibility and suitability of the Airport Network” in the period of validity and the tool that “veered” the activity regulated by AENA in terms of
Capacity, quality, investment and efficiency of costs, as well as airport tariffs over the next five years.

The main Catalan business organization, Foment del Treball, demanded yesterday again to Government and Govern “negotiation and a pact for a country project” to maintain the investment that should allow the expansion of the Barcelona-El Prat airport.

“We can not renounce the progress provided by infrastructures, and more when we lack,” has added the organization in a statement on Monday.
“Everything seems to indicate that the respective governments and parties that give them support have had more under consideration their short-round political interests than in general interest,” adds the statement.

Aena will suffer a reduction of up to 1,500 million euros in its income after the Congress decided to reduce the rental prices of the shops and restaurants of the airports in an amendment to the Land Transportation Law.

The Government has decided to freeze Aena’s tariffs over the next 5 years with the aim of “attracting new companies” and helping the recovery of the air transport sector.
Aena proposed a rise of 0.52% per year up to 2025 and 3.29% by 2026.

The president of Aena, Maurici Lucena, has affirmed Wue that the Dora II “gives stability and will be the necessary momentum to guarantee a sustainable recovery and quality in the air sector and in tourism”.
Likewise, Lucena puts in value that AEN tariffs will continue to be the most competitive in Europe and will allow the network airport infrastructures to remain the most efficient in their environment.