That is what the leader of the Christianodemocratic Union, Armin Laschet, needs for his ranks to say defeat in the elections last Sunday and pray that the negotiations that the Social Democratic Party (SPD) with the Greens and Liberals of FPD will fail

But time is paid and the first invoice paid it on Tuesday in the election of the head of its parliamentary group, Ralph Brinkaus.
Laschet intended to leave Brinkhaus in his position in service commission and Sine Die.
Brinkhaus demanded formal appointment and for a year, as is tradition.
The pulse has lasted 48 hours, until the president of the Bavarian Socialchristian Union (CSU), Markus Söder, intervened as a mediator and proposed a compromise solution.
After a Maratonian meeting of the deputies of the conservative block of the CDU-CSU elected on Sunday and in the presence of Söder and Laschet, Deputy Brinkaus left the room with a six-month term, until April 2022.

Söder’s argument was weight.
The CDU-CSU needs unity and calm in the Bundestag to face a legislature starter that can be complicated, especially if after 16 years in the government, the bloc passes to the opposition.

Söder does not discard it.
Prior to the meeting of the parliamentary groups, the Bavarian leader insisted on the idea that the CDU-CSU can not claim the initiative to form a government coalition.
“We are willing to engage in conversations with the greens and the FPD if the process that will start with the SPD is not going to good port,” said Söder, to add after the base that the Social Democratic candidate, Olaf Scholz will sew the tripartite
He even congratulated him for it Scholz.

The first contacts between green and liberals will occur tomorrow Wednesday.
On the side of the Liberals, Lindner and the Secretary General of Him, Volker Wisssing.
The Greens will be represented by the Chief of the Parliamentary Group, Anton Hofreiter and the Co-Chair of the Party, the writer Robert Habeck.
The Foreign Ministry candidate, Annalena Baerbock has been excluded.
Baerbock achieved the nomination against Habeck, but this was always the favorite in the polls.
He is intellectually more solid and has government experience.
He was Schleswig-Holstein’s energy minister and participated in the negotiations for government training in that federated state.

The logic that follow these parties is to prevent the fiasco of the 2017 negotiations, when the FDP retired from the table and, at the lack of alternative, CDU and the SPD were forced to reissue the great coalition.
Once you find Green and FDP agreements, which will not be easy comparing your programs, very antagonistic, will open to receive offers, both from SPD and CDU-CSU.

In accordance with Söder’s statements and what Laschet has left for the strength of the facts, conservatives will not come into competition with SPD and this match will assert its electoral result by reversing the process.
They will be those who invite Greens and the FDP and the intention is to do it at the end of the week.

All parties, without distinction and independently of the protagonists, consider that negotiations for government training should not be extended over time.
At most up cards.

It is a mandatory that the Parliamentary Group participates in the negotiations for government training, but with all the options still open, the reluctance of Laschet to leave Brinkhaus a year at the post only indicates that I did not want to tie your hands.
The trip to the federal policy undertaken from the Government of North Rhine Westphalia has no return and not to achieve the chancellery its refuge, while it ceases to pass time, would be at the Bundestag, leading the opposition to a triparated eventual under SPD.

Brinkhaus, who has already held the presidency of the Parliamentary Group of the CDU last legislature, has not had rivals in this first election.
Within six months, the situation will be different.
Among the deputies of the CDU in this new legislature there are three old and ambitious acquaintances of Laschet, the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn and the two men who attended the Presidency of the CDU last year, Norbert Röttgen and Friedrich Merz
, who returns for the first time to the Bundestag since his precipitated departure in 2009.