The volcano de la Palma continues to evolve to the tenth day of eruption.
Carmen López, responsible for volcanic alert of the National Geographical Institute (IGN), says it could be held by a deeper lava reservoir, as happened with the submarine volcano of the iron, and that emits more fluid lava and more speeding, around
At 300 meters per hour in the area closest to the eruptive mouth, after entering the current Hawaiian phase.

The lava reactivated Monday night with the emanations arising from the north flank has entered a platareman area and has begun to burn the plastic of greenhouses and fertilizer products.
All these elements have led to a cloud with toxic elements that have not affected the population so far – evacuated from that area – and has already been diluted in the atmosphere, which is why those responsible for the volcanic emergency plan ensure that ”
The quality of the air remains good. ”

The magmatic material of the Volcanic eruption of Old Summit, in La Palma, who has fallen into the sea has formed a kind of pyramid of more than 50 meters high, according to the Spanish Institute of Oceanography.

In its social networks, the IEO, whose ship Ramón Margalef is in the area, indicates that it is observing the advance of the lavas to the foot of the coastal cliff that comes from the southern cast of the palm volcano.

He adds that he is generating an “impressive deposit” of more than 50 meters high.

According to the Eceanographer Eugenio Fraile to the Canarian television, a golden perfect pyramid has been formed surrounded by white clouds containing gases but rapidly diluted.

The wash wash of the volcano in La Palma has reached the sea tonight, a few minutes after 23.00 (Canarian time), producing smoke columns.

Specifically, he has done it in the surroundings of the Beach of Los Guirres, specifically in his northern area, where he rushes from a cliff of about 100 meters high, as reported by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda thanks to information
of the General Directorate of the Merchant Navy (DGMM).

The laundry that has reached the sea is the south, which was surrounding the mountain of allow through its slope farthest from Tazacorte.
He has done it less than 10 days after starting eruption, which started on Sunday, September 19 at 3:00 p.m.

The Canary Islands Emergency Coordinating Center, CECOES-112, has incident that now that “lava has already reached the sea” Everyone who is close should, “if it is abroad”, look for a safe place “where
take refuge.

The Cabildo of La Palma has highlighted that the lava has arrived “to the sea in Tazacorte following a tour that has not caused any personal loss” and has requested that the recommendations be followed not to approach and respect the confinement in nearby areas.

Shortly before midnight, he increased the slope of the terrain, the lava acquired speed and toured in a few minutes the last 100 meters that were left to reach the coast, Teresa Guerrero reports.

They witnessed the crew of the oceanographic ship Ramón Margalef, who were located right in front of the mountain of allow, in the exclusion zone.
As explained last night María Gómez, Geologist and Head of the area of Medio Marino and Environmental Protection of the IEO, the vessel retreated 500 meters for security reasons, standing 1.5 km from the coast.

Scientists arrived in La Palma last Sunday to monitor the evolution of the volcano and make a topographic map of the seabed and take samples before the lava arrived the sea.
The contrast between lava, more than 800 degrees centigrade, and water, about 20 degrees, generates a vapor cloud that could contain toxic elements, although on this matter there is discussion between scientists.

The lava pouring emerging from the volcanic eruption of La Palma has come to the sea in an area of cliffs on the Tazacorte coast.

The lava has been falling slowly and the only thing that could have been seen in the distance are hot stones that fall into the sea, according to the relay that the Canarian television performs from a ship and the images provided from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography
Ramón Margalef.

The darkness of the night does not allow seeing the water vapor columns that are supposedly due to the thermal shock of the lava with the sea, columns that have gases that can be toxic to the eyes, the lungs and the skin.

Yes a black smoke is verified, which is part of the process that occurs when lava falls to the sea.

The lava has fallen to the sea from a height of about one hundred meters by a cliff located near the El Guirre beach, in Tazacorte.

The volcano lava in La Palma has continued to advance in the last hours until the coast finally reach, the National Geographic Institute has advanced on Tuesday.

The technical director of the Special Plan for Civil Protection and Emergency Attention for Volcanic Risk of Canarias (pevolca), Miguel Ángel Morcuende, announced at the press conference of this noon that the laundry was at a linear distance of 1 kilometer and advancing.

After attending the meetings of the Scientific Committee and the Steering Committee of the Plan, Morcuende influenced that it can not be known when it will reach the sea, since the route that follows the lava is not linear and changing.

Involcan, the Volcanological Institute of Canary Islands, has just published this video of the progress of lava on the road, which is destroying everything.

The Cabildo de la Palma reports that the lava has already cut off the coast road and is closer to the sea.

“This is a huge, huge brush … I started working at age 12, riding greenhouses … then I had goats, which were not a business. Then, a delivery truck. With my wife we ask for a credit and bought five
cars to ride a rent-a-car. We were six years living without light, many days eating little, my children sometimes with health problems for not having a refrigerator … everything, to take the business forward. Today I have 45 cars,
Several buildings, a handful of holiday homes, a construction business, some crops, a thing of chickens … and comes the volcano and throws half of things … this is a bitch … Oh …

Continue reading here the full report of Quico Arsedo, our special envoy to La Palma.

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Flat, has reaffirmed this Tuesday that the central government “is next to the platform sector” of the palm before the situation that goes through the eruption of the volcano, as well as of all the producers of the
Isla, and it will do “as much as necessary to repair the damages that have occurred” through compensation, such as “production that can not reach the market.”

“I think it’s a very important job” for which, the government is “in contact almost time with the Government of the Canary Islands, with the Counseling and with all the people present,” said the Minister of Agriculture, who has highlighted that
“In addition to the solidarity of all Spaniards,” the Executive “will respond next week” to topics that affect the platform sector, but also to other vineyard areas or fishermen who can not fish.

In his speech, Luis Plane has explained that the Council of Ministers has approved this same Tuesday, the affected area declaration by emergency to Palma, and two concrete measures have been adopted on housing and apprares, “which were the most urgent”

In addition, the Minister has advanced that in the next few days “a horizontal rule that will refer to the set of themes that appear already referred to in the Emergency Declaration will be approved,” and in which agriculture is already included,
Livestock, fishing, as well as to the irrigated facilities that have been affected.

The new Volcano de la Palma could be held by a deeper lava reservoir, as happened with the submarine volcano of El Iron, points to Efe Carmen López, responsible for volcanic alert from the National Geographic Institute (IGN).

Lopez explains that deep seismicity located in the last hours in the area of Fuencaliente, with earthquakes of magnitudes between 3.3 and 3.4, are indicative of a reservoir readjustment in the cortex as the magma goes in the form of lava, ash
and piroclasts.

In this new phase of high seismicity during the eruption, the IGN decks the possibility that the most superficial reservoir is being carried out and that under this can be another deeper.
It is a mechanism to adjust the exit of the magma to the surface, as well as the deformations of the soil, and adds that the eruption of the new volcano of the palm will conclude when it is equal with the outer pressure and runs out closing the crater.

Carmen López, responsible for Volcanic Alert of the IGN, ensures that it is “too early” to foresee a stabilization period, then “more days of seismicity are needed” to complete the readjustment process.
The only data available to experts, who “is not scientific” but that can “serve as a guide”, is the historical series of eruptions in La Palma in the last 500 years, six in total.

The shortest lasted 24 days, so “is still early” to foresee the end, and the longest, 84.

Nor do scientists know how much the current Hawaiian phase could last, in which the volcano emits more fluid lava and higher speed, around 300 meters per hour in the nearest area open on a flank of the main cone, which
It maintains a stonbolian mechanism.

In the volcano, the Hawaiian or effusive phase predominates, in which it only emits lava, in a context in which it is normal that periods of increase and decrease in eruptive activity are alternated.

But meteorological changes in the next few hours can direct the ash cloud towards Gomera and Tenerife and affect air traffic, which is already disturbed because, despite the airport of La Palma is operational, the main company of interinsular flights,
Binter keeps suspended connections with the island for security reasons.

More than a week later, although photos and videos are not missing, the volcano de la palma still has no official name.
Although it is not clear how the official denomination is established or what is the organism that regulates it, what is certain is that it will not be a fast process.

The submarine volcano of El Hierro, emerged in October 2011, was officially baptized as Tagoro almost five years later, in May 2016, at the proposal by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography to the Navy hydrographic, in charge of this type of underwater denominations.

They leave with advantage two names of Guanche, Tajogaite or Jedey, which would follow the tradition of other island volcanoes like Tacande, Tigalate or Teneguía.

Read here the complete information in the world.

The house that miraculously survived to the casts of last week of the Old Summit Volcano has succumbed before the new rivers of more fluid and fast lava that leave since yesterday by the eruptive mouth.

A dron that flew over the area has geolocated the place where he was, showing that the cast has finally expired the Villa de los Danes Inge and Rainer, located between allow and paradise, in the ‘zero zone’ of the territory devastated by the eruption
, and converted into an icon thanks to an aerial photography.

Read here the complete information in the world.

The Government of the Canary Islands reported on Tuesday that during the last week it has ceased to collect more than one million bananas in the palm for the adverse effects of volcanic eruption and the ash cloud.

The counselor of agriculture, livestock and fishing of the Government of the Canary Islands, Alicia Vanoostende, has gathered telematically with the counselor of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Cabildo de la Palma, José Adrián Hernández, and the Plataneous Entities associated with Asepalma, for
Address the difficult situation that the banana is traversed in the palm and raise alternatives to minimize the impact of the volcanic crisis.

During the meeting, the significant economic loss suffered by the sector as a consequence, among other circumstances, of the impossibility of collecting the fruit in the affected areas that have been incommunicado and inaccessible, as well as the problems that is causing the ash in the
Fruit of the whole island.

They were rolling a documentary and a commercial for a multinational of soft drinks – separately – when they learned that the volcano burst.
“We have to be there,” they told each other.
This is how this article of Martin begins on the team that has achieved the most beautiful and striking photos of the Palma Volcano.

The National Geographic Institute (IGN) has located six earthquakes in the latter earthquakes in the area affected by the Volcanic Reactivation of Old Summit, in La Palma, with a maximum registered magnitude of 2.9 (MBLG) in a seismic movement 10 kilometers
of depth

The average amplitude of volcanic tremor remained very low values for this rash until 15.00 UTC hours on Monday (17.00 peninsular time, 16.00 Canarian hour) and practically null between 15.00 and 17.00 (19.00 peninsular time, 18.00 Canarian hour).
But from that moment, it began to increase considerably, until reaching a range of average values at 7:00 pm (21.00 peninsular time, 20.00 Canarian hour) and since then it has remained stable.

After the increase in explosive eruptive activity, on Tuesday morning, IGN has issued a new Vona notice for civil aviation (Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation), by the increase in ash issuance, as well as the increase in height
From the ash cloud, which has reached 7,000 meters.

The Cabildo of Tenerife has sent La Palma on Tuesday a device formed by 13 people and ten vehicles of the road area to collaborate in the withdrawal of ash and the maintenance of infrastructures affected by volcanic eruption that since Sunday, September 19 affects
the island.

The works will focus on cleaning roads and leaving them in optimal conditions for circulation, as well as in helping in the cleaning of the airport track so that operability can be resumed normally.

Only one kilometer from the coast against the Old Summit Volcano, a team of scientists works frantically aboard the Ramón Margalef oceanographic vessel.
They arrived at La Palma at dawn on Sunday on an emergency expedition.
This is how this report begins by Teresa Guerrero.

As it had been ahead of days ago, the Director of Public Works, Transport and Housing of the Government of the Canary Islands, Sebastián Franqui, has confirmed on Tuesday in the Parliament of the Canary Islands that his department is finalizing the administrative procedures to dispose of a lot close to the
One hundred housing to offer them to people who were evicted by the effects of the Palma Volcano and who do not have their own accommodation at this time.

“Staff of the Counseling and the company Visocan have been in La Palma a week looking for housing and I can already announce that we are willing to deliver the first homes to these affected people at the beginning of the next October,” said Sebastián Franquis counselor in
The regional camera.

The counselor specified that housing technicians have already located several promotions in the municipalities of Tazacorte, Fuencaliente and Los Llanos that would add something more than 75 homes that would be acquired almost immediately by the Autonomous Community.
Those would be added others that will yield a banking entity and others that are owned by the Canarian Institute of Housing (ICAVI) until adding the hundred homes that could be delivered during the month of October.

The lava leaving the volcano of ‘Old Summit’, in El Paso (La Palma), has covered since the eruption began on Sunday, September 19, a total of 258 hectares and has already destroyed 686 buildings, according to follow-up by
Satellite of the COPRENICUS program of the European Union.
In addition, according to the last sampling of Copernicus dating from 06.50 on September 27, lava has also been carried by 22.2 kilometers of the island.

This satellite estimate diffused on this Tuesday morning does not differ much from the data provided in the appearance after the emergency plan meeting.
In this context, it has been discussed with 585 destroyed buildings and 97 endangered, which would almost allum the figure calculated from satellite follow-up.

The ash cloud of volcanic eruption that began ten days ago at an old summit could affect air traffic between the palm, Tenerife and La Gomera.

María José Blanco has explained that a cloud of ash and sulfur dioxide (SO2) has occurred to the south and southeast of the archipelago.
He added that, according to the AEMET forecasts, in its displacement it is possible that it may affect the airspace between La Palma, La Gomera and West Tenerife, without rule out that it can reach fine ash to the gomera, mainly, and west
of Tenerife

“We do not have the possibility of being able to mark them a date and an hour, we are still waiting for what the volcano wants to do,” Miguel Angel Morcuende has pointed out when he has been asked about the arrival of the sea lava.
He has explained that “lava wash is the one that comes out of the north flank” and that “is touring hot pastries that favor their progress.”

For its part, in the same appearance, María José Blanco, Director of the National Geographical Institute in Canarias, has detailed that the lava that advanced on Monday afternoon and entered the center of allow is now “about two kilometers from the
Coast, not in a straight line, but following the layout that the models consider more likely. ”
In addition, the estimated volume of the cone generated so far is 10 million cubic meters (M3) of lava.

The Lava del Volcán de la Palma had affected 585 constructions and endangered another 97 until six o’clock on Monday, Miguel Ángel Morcuende has pointed out.
He has added that this figure will have increased because “the laundry had a widening” after at the last minute of the afternoon began to emit a more fluid lava by the northern flank.

The magma of the Volcano de la Palma has come to an area “with bananas”, in the area of the road of El Pamplllo, and is burning “plastic of greenhouse” and “fertilizers” that are used as a fertilizer, has reported this noon Miguel Ángel
Morcuende, technical director of the Volcanic Emergency Plan of the Canary Islands.

In its appearance of this noon before the media, it has explained that about 13 hours it has been possible to observe “a cloud that can have toxic elements” and that is being monitored by the UME.
According to the data collected, ammonia and boron trichloride have been observed in that cloud, but “have been perfectly diluted in the atmosphere, without affecting people.”

Morcuende has affirmed that “we do not have problems about population” because the area is evacuated and advanced that cloud “ends up disappearing”.

“In spite of everything, the quality of the air remains good,” has reiterated at another time of its appearance.

María José Blanco has explained that the eruptive process continues to show – and it can be shown – episodes of increase and decreased activity, and although the strombolian explosions have ceased in the last hours, he warned that it is possible that they can be rebuketed abruptly in the

Following the Meeting of the Director Committee of the Volcanic Emergency Plan, the Director of the National Geographical Institute in Canarias has reviewed before the media as Monday, from 19.15, local time, began the emission of lava castings from the north flank
With the important appearance of a lava source, which is indicative of a Hawaiian activity.

According to white, all these observable are justified by a drop in the level of magma within the conduit of the eruptive center that has caused a temporary tamponade, and the uncovering of this conduit has led to the emission of water vapor and ash and the subsequent increase
The volcanic tremor and lava emission.
In turn, the morphology of the cone continues to change repeatedly by the successive processes of growth and reconfiguration.

On that issue, Miguel Ángel Morcuende has added that the Hawaiian episodes that predominate in the last hours do not mean that the volcano has ceased to be of a strombolian type.

The Geological and Mining Institute has made an appeal on social networks so that citizens collaborate in the sampling of ash issued by the Palma Volcano.
In a message on your Twitter account, invite volunteers to contact via email

“We do not have any indication at this time from the municipalities or of the Insular Water Council that we have any disturbance. The quality of the water is a very good quality, as has always been the water of La Palma,” says this noon Miguel Ángel Morcuende
, Technical Director of the Canary Islands Volcanic Emergency Plan, in a video released by the Cabildo of La Palma.

The spokesman for the PP in the Congress of the Deputies, Cuca Gamarra, held this Tuesday that the Council of Ministers has approved declare the palm as a seriously affected area, but urged the Government to articulate all aid that is “needed” for the
Canarian Island Front the consequences of volcanic eruption.

This indicated Gamarra at a press conference at Congress, where he clarified that this statement of catastrophic area is “necessary”, but that he must be accompanied by all kinds of measures and aid to “short, medium and long term”.

In this sense, he said that the PP is “willing to collaborate” and “arrim of the shoulder” in this aspect.
In fact, he stressed that his party has offered his vows in Congress to approve more measures to help palm, since, at the judgment of him, this island needs “unity”.

The Council of Ministers has approved at noon on Tuesday the statement of the Island of La Palma as a seriously affected area by an emergency of civil protection (formerly known as ‘catastrophic area’) and has authorized to allocate a first aid of 10.5 million
of euros that will be sent to the Autonomous Community to meet the most urgent needs of housing and appliances for those affected.
During the press conference after the Council of Ministers, Minister Spokesman has made this announcement, which she has described as “the most important” related to emergency at this time.

Thus, it has explained that the Special Plan of Reconstruction of La Palma, which begins with this first urgent phase, but then will remain over time during the recovery phase so that when the Volcano stops an evaluation of
Damage to initiate the recovery of the island below.
For this, the first necessary step has been, the “formality” of declaring the island as a seriously affected area as an emergency of civil protection, which is the formula to incorporate all ministries into emergency care.
More details, in this information from Raúl Piña.

The Popular Group has proposed to the Government, through two motions that will be discussed this Wednesday, approve an ICO plan called ‘La Palma’ with guarantees and financing lines for companies, autonomous and public administrations that have been affected by
The eruption of the ‘Old Summit’ volcano.

Those of Paul married have included this point in two initiatives that will be discussed on Wednesday in the Committee on Industry, Trade and Tourism of the High Chamber.
Specifically, the two motions have to do with the rise in the price of light and the other with the relaunch of tourism, although the ‘popular’ have wanted to add this issue to economically promote the island of La Palma.

Specifically, they claim an action at European level in tune with the Government of Spain that helps to alleviate “the terrible effects” caused by the explosion of the Old Summit volcano that has paralyzed all sectors.

The president of the Government of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, has admitted this Tuesday that the social and economic reconstruction in La Palma when the volcanic eruption is over “is a tremendous challenge”, perhaps one of the most important of the islands in recent decades,
And for that reason, it has warned that “the worst is yet to come” because there are many economic and social damage.
In an intervention in the Plenary Control session of Parliament, he has pointed out that he is not going to restore what was lost “given the conditions of eruption” and the memory is not compensated “with economic aid or a home.

It has noted that many affected “want to stay” near the affected areas but it is materially “impossible” to replenish houses and farms and for now, although the emergency situation “is not over”, institutions are going to strive to move forward a first
Line of aid.

Torres has put as an example the emergency declaration of La Palma that will be approved on Tuesday at the Council of Ministers, a state party of 10 million for housing and appliances, the concurrence of EU solidarity funds, the opening of a multidisciplinary office
Support for victims in the plains of Aridane, the acquisition of almost 300 homes on the island, eRTE approval specific for victims and 13 million for training, employment and social services.

He has insisted that while the emergency lasts, the great goal is that “I finish without personal injury or losses of human lives”, and in itself, it has highlighted that “the only” positiveness of the eruption is that “many lives have been saved
Torres has detailed that there are almost 1,000 people working on the ground in the palm and “some do not want to go” despite the physical and mental exhaustion, so it has valued the “implication” of all the seals involved “for things to end up
with the least possible pain “.

This video recorded by a drone of the emergency military unit and disseminated by the emergency area of the Government of the Canary Islands shows the footprint of the lava on the mountain of allow in the morning of this Tuesday.

The Association of Financial Users (ASUFFIN) has requested the Parliamentary Groups of the Congress for the National Park Declaration for the Lands devastated by the Palma Volcano, with the aim that the inhabitants of these areas “can start from scratch”.

ASUFIN has been directed by letter to all political parties to raise the approval of a law that establishes the creation of the National Park and that allows “a rearrangement of the territory accompanied by a risk map”.

“The creation of National Park must be approved by law in Congress. That is why the participation of its group is fundamental. The palm trees and palm trees deserve the solidarity of all its compatriots,” says Asuftfin in his letter.

The emissions of sulfur dioxide expelled by the Old Summit Volcano, on the Island of La Palma, will reach the Arctic on Tuesday because it is scheduled to reach the Norwegian Svalbard archipelago, according to the atmospheric surveillance service of COPERNICUS Satellite (CAMS, by
its acronym in English), coordinated by the European Center for atmospheric prediction (ECMWF, in English).

The prognosis of the CAMs, collected by servimedia, vaticin that the column of sulfur dioxide (SO2) of that volcano will be extended at 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday to the Svalbard Archipelago, located in the Arctic Glacial Ocean and that is the Territory More
Norway northern.

In addition, these gases will continue to fly over the east of the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands and North Africa, and they will enter the eastern Mediterranean and other areas of Eastern Europe.

The Old Summit Volcano, on the Canary Island of La Palma, issued this morning lava through two main channels that were bifurcated and cooled to create slower castings.

Raúl Pérez, Geologist from the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME), explained in a video on social networks, that at that time there was “a pyroclastic rain”.
“It looks like the supplier is coming out (lava) with considerable constancy by two main channels,” he says.

That lava was bifurned anastomedly, cooling and creating slower castings.
Meanwhile, a “continuous roar” of wind was heard, generated by the thermal contrast between the lava and the surroundings.
That observation was made by the IGME and the Military Emergency Unit (UME).

In another previous video, recorded at 2.45 hours of this Tuesday, Pérez explains that a new lava language had been formed from the volcano’s supplier and located further north of the two main ones.

The Volcano de la Palma does not cease in the lava broadcast, which since last night flows with more strength and faster.
The spokesman for the Canary Islands Volcanological Institute (Involcan), David Calvo, believes that the new Volcano de la Palma has entered an effusive phase, which means that he will have fewer explosions and the main cone will have less protagonism, so that expulsion
Of the lava, which is now more viscous, concentrates on a mouth that is out of the cone.

The new lava is Hawaiian, more fluid and with greater capacity to move, has indicated Efe David Calvo, who added that this was expected.

The new lava comes out of a small crater, of a mouth that emits less ash and less piroclasts than the main emitter center and although it costs it to form its own cone, throws a “impressive” lava jet, has affirmed the spokesperson for the Involcan.

In that mouth he has always come out more fluid, but at the last minute of Monday afternoon he began to vomit lava without stopping, said David Calvo.

That the lava is more fluid makes it more ability to move and occupy terrain, and since it is less dense will move less forced, it will not make the “muralllones” of its predecessor and being faster will facilitate the arrival to the sea.

The table of the Parliament of Canarias, with the agreement of the Board of Spokespersons, has made the decision to donate a total of 200,000 euros to help and alleviate, as far as possible, the consequences of the volcanic eruption of the island of the

This has been announced by the Chairman’s president, Gustavo Matos, who has indicated that this donation will be made according to the Cabildo of La Palma, to say what NGO is this contribution to helping the families who have lost it

Gustavo Matos has expressed, once again, the love and solidarity of Parliament with the island of La Palma, with the palm trees and, especially, with all the families that have suffered the consequences of the eruption initiated a week ago.

The Government will grant 10.5 million euros to help those affected by the eruption of the Palma Volcano, of which 5.5 million will be destined for the purchase of homes and the rest, to the acquisition of first necessities.

This first plan of urgent measures, which will foreseeably approve the Council of Ministers on Tuesday, contemplates the purchase of 107 homes – from public or private ownership – in La Palma, which must be in a position to be occupied with “immediate character” by families
Affected or within a period compatible with the urgency to be covered.

For the acquisition of brassics, such as refrigerators or kitchens among others, a total of 5 million euros will be allocated.

The Royal Decree, which has had EFE access, has been developed from the proposal of the Ministries of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda and aimed at the direct concession to the Canary Islands Community of a
Grant to finance the acquisition of 107 homes, in the private market, on the island of La Palma.

The National Geographical Institute has registered two new earthquakes during this morning south of the Island of La Palma, specifically, in the municipality of Fuencaliente, where this Monday came to record more than twenty of earthquakes

The first occurred over 9.35 hours.
The earthquakes reached a magnitude of 2.9 and was located at 11 kilometers deep.
Thirty hours later, the other tremor of 2.7 degrees took place and located 14 kilometers deep.

The spokesman for the Canary Islands Volcanological Institute (Involcal), David Calvo, has said that in October the rainfall will arrive at the palm and we will have to think about what is made with the ash that has fallen as a result of the eruption of the new volcano on the island.

David Calvo has pointed out that it has fallen so much ash that in some exclusion areas, cars fit, as on a beach, and stressed that when wet it can get a “huge” weight and “knock down” a building.

That is why he has raised the need to access the evacuated areas to clean both accesses and homes, since the ash “you tupe everything”.

The Cabildo de la Palma has announced this Tuesday that it is forbidden to access homes in the areas evacuated by the eruption of the Old Summit Volcano to collect appliances.

In addition, farmers with farms located in the area of Puerto Naos, the rowing and the holes with shift to water can access exclusively by the Jedey core and the technical staff of the Corporation will be responsible for the cleanliness of the ashes in the evacuated properties

The corporation states that the priority of the Cabildo remains to avoid any risk for the population and therefore the cleaning of roads and emergency roads is reinforced.

The sky of La Palma has dawned this morning with gravity waves in the atmosphere.
“La Palma dawns with the tuna of eruption generating waves of gravity in the atmosphere,” he has reported the Canary Islands Volcanological Institute on Twitter.

Vicente Soler, Vulcanologist at the Institute of Natural Products and Agrobiology of the CSIC, has affirmed in RNE mornings that it is difficult to calculate when the sea will reach the volcano lava in eruption in La Palma.
“It has to continue leaving washing at the top of the volcano. Each time the lava runs through the journey more easily because it walks on a preceding casting, in this case it has a day. Inside can have a temperature of 1000 degrees, it serves as a mattress
to continue”.

Despite this, according to Soler, if eruptions are repeated as those of these days, it will undoubtedly reach the sea.
And that according to the studies, Lava will continue.
“The indication of the gases emitted allows an approximate estimate of what is below, and apparently it is still a lot. The calculations have not been completed, but the eruption would not end tomorrow.”
And he points out that the scope of him is complex because the interior of our planet remains inaccessible to the human being.
“You can not touch or measure directly. Volcanoes are the only phenomenon that provides something inside the planet.”

The transvulcania 2021 long distance race, which was planned to celebrate during the last week of October, has been canceled as a result of the volcanic eruption of La Palma, has reported the Cabildo Palmero.

The Insular Corporation emphasized that the exclusive priority is to help families who are losing their homes, and the insular advocacy of economic promotion, Rache Díaz, has not recommended the circumstances of the test, since the priorities
They have to do with maintaining the safety of people.

“We can not celebrate a test that requires not only volunteers and emergency personnel, who now must be focused on the priority, which is to meet the consequences that eruption is caused, but also the warmth of our people, of each and every
One of the palm trees and palm trees that are those who form transvulcania, “said Díaz.

Binter has canceled until 1:00 pm on this Tuesday his scheduled flights to and from the palm due to the ash cloud caused by the eruption of the Old Summit Volcano.

The paralysis of the operation will be maintained until the conditions improve and allow flying by guaranteeing safety, explained the airline in a statement.

The airline follows the evolution of the situation in contact with the aeronautical authorities, waiting to have confirmation that all safety conditions are met to resume the operation normally.

The Lava del Volcán de la Palma has razed 589 homes, about 700 affected and covers 258 hectares, according to the latest data from the Copernicus program.

At the last pevolca meeting, the technical director of the pevolca, Miguel Ángel Morcuende, and the spokeswoman of the Scientific Committee, María Blanco -Director of the IGN in the Canary Islands – have highlighted that the volcano continues its evolution with the normality of it being
Of a fissural and discombolian type that behaves “as such”, with continuity and discontinuity, so both have pointed out that there should not be concerned that changes occur during the process.

White has pointed out that the volcano has already emitted 46.3 million cubic meters of magmatic material -more that the eruption of Teneguía in 1971- and has highlighted that the stonbolian mechanism concentrates on the main cone and there has been magmatic pulses -columna whitish
that disappears and reaches great height.

The Council of Ministers will approve a decree on Tuesday that will enable aid from 5.5 million euros to the Canarian Executive for the acquisition of 107 homes on the Island of La Palma, with the aim of being destined temporarily or permanently to
The families affected by volcanic eruption.

In turn, it contemplates another 5 million in aid for the acquisition of brassics, also destined to those people who have suffered losses or damage to their habitual housing, temporary or definitive.

These measures, at the proposal of the Ministry of Social Rights managed by the United States, together with the Interior and Transport Departments that the PSOE holds, are aimed at alleviating the effects caused by the eruption of the Old Summit volcano, which began on September 19.

The new lava wash of the palm volcano, more fluid than the previous ones, progresses quickly towards the municipality of Tazacorte, and is situated from this position about 1,000 meters from the sea.

Lava is about to enter the municipality of Tazacorte, after the volcano resumed its activity over 19:00 local time this Monday.

The emission of lava is much greater than that emitted along last week, but above all much more fluid.

At this time there are two active mouths: one in the main cone of the volcano and another below it, which emits lava at high temperature and very fluid, which could reach the sea above the two earlier castings.

The Cabildo of La Palma, through the infrastructure area, has reinforced and intensified the work to keep the roads of evacuation clean and clear, especially in those places where a large amount of ashes has been deposited in the last 24 hours
For the new “effusive” phase of the volcano.

“This task is essential for security and emergency devices to carry out their work with all safety guarantees, since the objective continues to be that personal damage occurs,” says the council.

The Cabildo and the Palma Service Consortium have recommended that the ash is not deposited in the gray container, but in the “trays” enabled by the council and several town halls, always inside closed bags, or in any case, in bags
At the doors of the homes or local, where they will be collected.

After a period of calm, the Volcano de la Palma has entered into an “effusive” phase.
It was one of the hypotheses that the experts shuffled on Monday when the volcano stood and stopped the lava eruptions, ash and smoke.
He lasted little, at noon woke up again and at the evening-evening, the volcano rugged again hard.

“After a period of calm, the volcano has arrived an effusive phase where cast, of nature more fluid, fall from the main cone. As we comment, the stonbolian eruptions have more explosive and other more effusive phases,” says the Geoscience Institute with respect to
This new phase in which the volcano is located.

The Volcano de la Palma came into a new phase in which he renames strong explosions of a stonbolian type and has formed a large lava wash that descends from his main cone on the road open by the previous ones, after a day in which
He seemed to stop suddenly and his activity ceased for hours.

Without having the great amount of lava that is expelling from tonight, this eruption had already surpassed in just seven days the last occurred in La Palma, that of Teneguía de 1971: of the new volcano have come out in a week 46.3 million of
cubic meters of materials, while Henugua moved 43 million in 24 days.

According to the last fact that the Scientific Committee of the Canary Islands Volcanic Emergencies Plan (pevolca), lava was about 800 or 1,000 meters in a straight line of the coast.

The Council of Ministers will predictably approve this Tuesday the first phase of aid aimed at rebuilding the island of La Palma after the damage caused by the eruption of the Old Summit Volcano, in addition to promoting a package of immediate measures.

The Government aims to implement a package of socio-economic measures, including some immediately relating to housing for those affected by volcanic emergency.

In the medium and long term, and when the eruption ceases, the Executive will undertake a “Palm Reconstruction Plan”, which will be extended on several fronts: from urbanism and housing, until the reconstruction of roads and power supply networks
and water, going through the impulse of renewables on the island and the start-up of a tourist ratio program.

The lava of the old summit volcano, in the palm, which now flows at more speed when it is more liquid, is already at some point at 1,200 meters to reach the sea, according to the latest information.

The contact of the lava with the sea is dangerous for the close population, by the toxicity of the mixture of gases but, in addition, because it could be vitrified, be incorporated into the cloud and fall into a nearby environment in the form of shaping, according to HA
Explained the vulcanology expert of the illustrious geologic school (ICOG), José Luis Barrera.

According to the latest measurements of the Copernicus LAVA terrestrial observation satellite system, which in some stretches reach a thickness of up to 50 meters, has affected 513 homes and an area of 237.5 hectares, 27.5 more in just 24

The area covering the ash of the volcano has spread to 1,507 hectares (193 more than the last estimate) and are 18.9 the kilometers of roads destroyed by the progress of the castings.

The number of people evacuated from their homes is about 5,600, after Sunday could return to their homes the approximately 200 neighbors evacuated on Friday for the intensification of eruptions.