“Cruise speed”.
It is what the Government has promised regarding the European Next Generation funds, of which you still do not know how many have reached the real economy to date, but from which you plan to execute 24,600 million euros in the first semester of the year.

“In the next 6 months we will execute 22,000 million in competitions, calls and tenders and if we collect some funds that had not been tested in 2021 and that by a legal change they spend this year, in total we will mobilize 24,600 million euros,” Han
Promised this Monday government sources, which explain that the calls will be distributed equally between the first two quarters of the year.

Six out of ten euros of these almost 25,000 million will be destined for energy transition and sustainable mobility, have pointed out, and from the total the government expects 16,500 million euros to be aimed at companies, most SMEs.

Although the figures are ambitious and the government says to trust “execute everything” and that its impact is already noticed in the gross domestic product (GDP) of 2022, the truth is that it seems complicated that all that money reaches the real economy in the real economy
More even when the 20,000 million that have been executed to date, the Government does not know how many have reached the productive tissue.

As they have specified on Monday, since July the recovery plan was approved and until January 29, 2022, a total of 523 calls have been published – among the General State Administration and the Autonomous Communities – by a
Total value of 19,508 million euros.

Of that upright, however, only 5,200 million correspond to 303 calls that are closed.
That is, that they have already been awarded or are pending award, although Moncloa can not specify how many of them have been awarded.
In addition, there are 187 calls, worth 7,730 million, which remain open and those who can continue to opt out their potential beneficiaries;
and 3,000 million in the hands of the Autonomous Communities whose state is unknown.

Faced with criticisms from some autonomous communities on the alleged discretion with which 11,200 million have been distributed at a territorial level, government sources explain that the bulk of money that has been transferred to communities (about 8,800 million) has been distributed in sectoral conferences
While from the remaining 2,400 million, the majority (1,764 million) “has not formally gone through sectoral conferences, but its distribution has been made according to agreed criteria in those conferences.”

Restan 650 million euros that the executive has distributed directly: to universities and information centers -category in which 30% of the beneficiaries were from the Community of Madrid, it has punctualized – to communities with tradition of coal mining
or concrete pilot projects.

“The objective is that these investments are transformative, generate employment, increase productivity, reach SMEs and accelerate the transformation of the country,” they have explained.

The next disbursement that the country will receive will be 12,000 million euros from the European Commission, but it will have to fulfill 32 milestones that are set out in the second semester of 2021, including the approval of labor reform.
The Government has not wanted to explain what will happen if the standard does not get forward in Congress.
“We do not contemplate anything other than its approval,” they have been.

In this first half of the year they will have to face another batch of structural reforms to comply with the following 35 milestones that will evaluate Brussels, including some aspects of the pension reform (the reform of the autonomous regime and the creation of the public fund
of pensions), the Bankruptcy Law or the approval of the General Law on Audiovisual Communication and the Telecommunications Law.