This Monday, January 31, Don Felipe and Dona Letizia have officially traveled to Austria for the first time as kings, invited by the president of this Federal Republic, Alexander van der Bellen and his wife Doris Schmidauer.
The Queen had already visited Vienna in 2014 to inaugurate an exhibition about Velázquez, in which it was the first trip of her alone abroad after the proclamation of Felipe VI.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, the monarchs, who accompanied by the Minister of Culture, Miquel Iceta, have been received with military honors by the presidential couple at the Hofburg Imperial Palace, the largest Vienna.
It is an imposing architectural ensemble of a dozen buildings and 2600 rooms, which houses places as emblematic as the Sissi Museum or the Spanish Horse Riding School.
For Don Felipe this palace, current headquarters of the Presidency of the Republic, has a special symbology, since it was a residence of the ancient Imperial Family, the Habsburg-Lorena.
A dynasty to which the Tarrabala belonged to Him, the queen Regent Maria Cristina, second wife of Alfonso XII, who was Archduchess of Austria and premium of Emperor Francisco José I.

After the official reception, Don Felipe and the Austrian president have maintained a work meeting, followed by a lunch in honor of the Spanish monarchs to which their wives have joined.
For the occasion and given the low temperature in Vienna, where the thermometer marked 6 degrees, Doña Letizia has released a Black Herrera black oversize coat with matching fat, and below her wearing a black and white rooster pitch dress
As unique jewels, she looked long earrings in Australian diamonds and pearls that she put on the baptisms of her daughters, Leonor and Sofia and was combed with a semi-relecade that exposed the grayes of her, as it is the habit

After the meal, one of the most outstanding acts of this fleeting visit, a single day: a tribute in the form of a floral offering to the victims of Nazism before the monument of Plaza Albertina, especially Spanish that
They lost their lives in the Austrian concentration camp in Mauthausen in World War II.
There they emphasized some 10,000 compatriots, mostly Republicans, who had crossed the French border in the last months of the civil war and when France fell under Nazi domination were deported to Austria.
A list published by the BOE in 2019 to facilitate family members the registration of the deceased, calculated a total of 4,427 Spaniards died in the aforementioned field of Nazi concentration, although the number may be even greater.

In this act, the Austrian president, Alexandre Van der Bellen, Alexandre Van der Bellen, who with his electoral triumph in December 2016 prevented victory for a very clear margin of votes of the Ultraraderecha candidate, Norbet Hofer.
For this reason, this aristocrat, son of Baron Estonian Alexander van der Bellen, a university profession and member of the Green Party, was received in Europe with relief considering that he represented democratic values against the opponent of him.

At 17, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have put a brooch to their stay in Austria with an important cultural event, the inauguration of the exhibition “Dalí and Freud. An obsession” at the Belvedere Museum.
The sample, which is Commissioner Professor Jaime Brihuega, has a hundred works, writings and objects of the genius of Figueras influenced by Freud.

This explores the relationship between the Surrealism of the works of Dalí and the creator of psychoanalysis, whom the painter met in London in 1938. He was obsessed with him because he was looking forward to deciphering his fears and traumas of childhood, since Dalí lost his
Brother and his mother being a teenager, and his father, a very authoritarian man, was married with the sister of the deceased, something that strongly scored the artist.