The future housing law will include in its articulate the impossibility of public housing on the part of the administrations to private entities (such as investment funds), for which a permanent protection regime is established, which excludes its recalification.

United States We can explained to Europe Press that this point has been captured in the text agreed with the PSOE for the future regulation, with the aim of establishing the prohibition of alienating those public ownership floors and that may then be offered in the
Free market by buyers.
It is a point that key to such sources in the housing law, whose negotiation was achieved yesterday between the coalition partners.

A clause that seeks to prevent cases like the one that took place in 2013 in the Community of Madrid, when the Regional Executive sold almost 3,000 houses of the Former Ivima to the Goldman Sachs-Azora investment fund, operation that was annulled by the Supreme Court upon underline that
This alienation was not justified.

Another example is the transaction that also undertook that year the City of Madrid at the stage directed by the Exalcaldea Ana Bottle, when a total of 1,860 floors of the Municipal Housing and the Land of Madrid
(EMVS) to the Backstone Investment Fund.

This morning, the Minister of Social Rights and We Can, Ione Belarra, has slipped this point when it deranged that the Law aspired to prevent cases such as the alienation of protected housing, as it was seen in the past in the Community of Madrid with the sale of
Floors to “Vulture funds”.
“That’s not going to be done again in Spain,” she sensed.

The agreement agreed between the coalition partners establishes that the rating of a land established as a reserve for housing under public protection “can not be modified”, except in the exceptional cases in which the Urban Sort Instrument justifies the “unnecessary of this
Type of housing or the impossibility overturned from that destination, regardless of whether the conditions of protected housing can be modified to meet the demand and needs of the territorial scope. ”

In addition, the drafting of this provision details that protected homes that are promoted in such soils “will be subject to a permanent public protection regime that excludes disqualification, while the rating of said soil is maintained”.

In this way, the houses will be submitted to this “permanent” public protection regime, with the exceptionally, it can exceptionally foresee the autonomic regulations “in case there is properly motivated justified cause for disqualification or for the establishment of a period of qualification
With the fixation of this number of years, which is at least 30 years old “.

For this exceptional assumption, the future regulation of housing pace that will be necessary to return from all or part of the aid perceived in case of alienation of housing after disqualification, as established in autonomic regulations.

“In any case, it will be considered justified cause for the purposes of this section, the promotion of protected housing in soils whose urban rating did not impose that destination and that they will not have public aid for their promotion,” deals.

In this way, the sale or rental of these public protection housing to individuals will be subject to the conditions that the regulations standard and its allocation will be prioritized in favor of persons demanding accommodation enrolled in the public records of each region.

The new housing law also includes allocating 30% of promotions to protected housing, to expand the public home park, while 15% of that figure will be for social rent.

In addition, it foresees a surcharge of 150% of IBI for empty floors and a regulation of the rental price to lower rents in the homes in the hands of large owners (10 homes or more) with legal personality, considering reference rates in
Tensioned zones.

In turn, figure fiscal bonuses up to 90% of the income that small owners obtain in case of lowering the price of rentals regarding the previous contract.
It also includes protection measures against evictions centered on vulnerable population.

The elaboration of the State Housing Law has already agreed between the Government Partners in the Covenant on the current public accounts, as well as being scared in the Coalition Agreement.

However, the formulas to capture the rental regulation motivated a series of discrepancies that have prolonged almost a year, and that have finally been solved on Tuesday, given that the purple linked the approval of the new public accounts at the unlocking of said law

The Minister of Presidency, Felix Bolaños, said yesterday that there is still no date to approve the law on the Council of Ministers.
When the preliminary project is formalized, it will be sent to Congress for its parliamentary processing.