without the Macho posturing, it is not about the Nandu. When it’s mating time, the males of the South American running bird as many of the females around. And makes the, what do you do with a Harem so be it. Subsequently, the Nandu-hens lay all eggs in a single Nest.

Bernhard Biener

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung for the high Taunus district.

F. A. Z.

The Nandu-husband of the concern reclaims the right for the whole of the offspring, while the Rhea-women pull on easily. But the single father role model behaves in the manner. First, he incubates the eggs and takes care of themselves then faithfully caring for the children. In Opel-Zoo, there are at least twelve Chicks of Nandu-the father currently has an eye.

Similar to the African ostrich Nandu are to the life in the Steppe adapted. You will see predators such as the Puma from a distance and have excellent ears. With 1.40 meters head height, they are not quite so large as the ostrich. For this, you are more than 50 kilometres an hour and is also well to foot. For a running bird, they have rather large wings, with which you can switch at the escape easier to the direction.