The Government’s decision to sit at the table negotiate with Catalonia the transfer to this Autonomous Community of Specialized Health Formation has caused the indignation of doctors and the main party of opposition.
The spokesman for the popular group in Congress, Cuca Gamarra, has warned that the MIR can not “currency change of independentism”.

Last Monday, the Bilateral Commission formed between the Executive and the Generalitat agreed to create a working group from October to study the feasibility of the transfer of this competition.
Catalonia, like the rest of the regions, already participates when setting the number of specialized training places in health sciences that are offered each year and also intervenes in the annual call proposal of selective testing tests
Specialized Sanitary.
This is explained in a government response from March 2020 to a parliamentary question of the PP.

Then the Executive ensured that access to specialized health training “will continue to be carried out through a single annual call for the whole state, as established in force legislation, and there is no change provided in this regard.”
And then?
What are you going to transfer to Catalonia?

The doctors consulted are feared that the examination can be given, which is, together with the expedition of specialist titles, the only competition that remains to the State.
This is also created by the PP, which is going to ask for the urgent appearance of the Minister of Health, Carolina Arias, in Congress to explain what they are going to do exactly.

During an interview in Onda Cero, Gamarra has framed this transfer within the series of concessions to nationalist parties in exchange for its support for the government.
“They are public assignments and notorious and are not worthy of a government that seeks the general interest and equality,” has denounced, criticizing that those like Catalonia do not come to the conferences of presidents are “premiere” with bilateral summits that are ”
Knights of the Independentists to achieve their goals “through pressure and always putting the constitutional order in check.”

The leader of the PP has remembered that the MIR is “a successful model, internationally recognized and a guarantee of cohesion of the system”, thanks precisely why it is an exclusive state competition “.
“The transfer of the lift to an autonomous community continues to be thrown into the rupture and 17 models.”

In the same sense, it has been pronounced on Twitter Ana Pastor, former Minister of Health and Deputy Secretary of PP Social Policy: “Unfortunate that the key that our National Health System (SNS) is excellent to be a currency of independence change. If
They do, it will be repealed immediately when we reach the government, “he warned, trusting that” Multilevel Spain “by Pedro Sánchez” does not reach the MIR system. ”