The spokesman for the Popular Party at the Congress of the Deputies, Cuca Gamarra, has criticized this Wednesday the “silence of the accomplice” of the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, before the “Erosion” of the Crown and the last attack of the General Secretary of We Can
and Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, Ione Belarra, King Emeritus.

In a zero wave interview, collected by Europe Press, Gamarra has criticized that the socialist part of the executive Callase “participating in the erosion of institutions”.
All this after Belarra criticized the scandals “of corruption and impunity” by Juan Carlos I, whose “flight” of Spain a year ago he described as “democratic anomaly”.

The ‘popular’ spokesperson has alluded to the statements of the Minister to justify the position of his party regarding the renewal of institutions.
“The responsibility we have from the PP is that of being guarantors,” has arranged Gamarra, who has made it clear that the training that Paul Married is not going to give “Letter of Nature” to the attacks that are made from the government to the
Constitutional architecture.

In this line, Gamarra has insisted that for the PP “the important thing is the protection of State institutions and not entering a path” that can lead to “weaken” them and “question them” before the “Instability of the Government of
Sánchez and the partners that “the president” has chosen. ”

Thus, and referring to the unblocking of the General Council of the Judiciary, the Parliamentary spokeswoman has assured that for the PP “there is no summer” if the PSOE is “willing to something as basic as the independence” of judges and “non-politicization”
of the organ.
“The moment that the PSOE assumes the guarantees of independence (…) The Agreement will be ratified in a matter of hours,” she said.

In this context, Gamarra has asserted that the “own judges have had to resort to Europe to alert on the attempt to control by the Executive and the attack that are suffering from the Government.”
“Exemplifies the moment of erosion and attack of one power to another,” he lamented him.

In his view, what is needed to Sánchez is “will from the point of view of good Democrat” to ensure that politicians do not enter into judicial power.
Gamarra, who has recognized that the renovation has been “frustrated” several times, has argued that who has moved out the possibility of an agreement in the “last minute” has always been the PSOE.

In similar terms, the Deputy Secretary of Territorial Policy of the PP, Antonio González Terol, who before those statements from Belarra and other positions of we can criticized the “attacks spoiled by the President of the Government”.
To the understanding of him, Pedro Sánchez is demonstrating “not to be at institutional height that the responsibility for the position he exercises forces him.”

“It is no longer a care call but publicly reprimanding the government’s ministers who are attacking the head of the State to wear the political form that we freely gave all Spaniards with the 1978 Constitution,” he said in an interview in
La Cope, who has collected Europe Press.

Before the fact that Sánchez did not pronounce on those words of Belarra at questions from the press at Marivent’s Palace, Terol has stressed that “this is the game” of the executive head because “every day says that he defends the King Don
Felipe “But” allows the institution of the parliamentary monarchy by members of his government. ”

Terol has pointed out that when one reads Belarra’s statements that the monarchy is a “democratic abnormality, he would have to ask him then what Cuba and Venezuela are.”
“It is difficult for them to say that they are a dictatorship and, nevertheless, they attack the institution that democratically gave us all the Spaniards with the 1978 Constitution,” he has emphasized.