Spanish tourism can breathe at the moment.
United Kingdom will keep Spain in its Amber list of Risk countries by Covid, and will not place it in the Red Zone, despite the increase in cases, as the newspaper The Times advances.

The British government will update its international travel list on Wednesday, where it places countries in red, amber or green zone depending on the risk by Covid.
Spain is in Amber, which means that British tourists who are vaccinated and return from our country do not have to make a 10-day quarantine.

Yes they are obliged to do so that they return from some country in the red list, which means that if London reviews the status of Spain downward and places us in a high risk area, tourists who are in our country would have to return to form
Precipita if they want to avoid quarantine.
It happened, for example, with Portugal, which went from amber to red area in a few weeks.

According to the aforementioned daily, in the end it will not be included in Spain in the Red Zone by the fall of cases and the concern about the lack of hotel rooms sufficient to keep the British tourists who give positive in quarantine.

The fear existed, by increasing the contagion in our country and the possible spread of the beta variant of the virus.
In fact, the British government shuffled the possibility of creating a surveillance list for countries in amber zone but with an incidence of delta and beta variants.
Finally, he decided not to do it.

Thousands of tourists from the United Kingdom are currently on vacation in Spain, the main destination of the British.
One in four tourists who visited us before the pandemic was of this nationality.
Hence the importance of no restrictions on mobility in this country.

In the first six months, only 273,333 British have come to our country, compared to the more than eight million they visited us in 2019. Even so, since the country raised the obligation to quarantine for vaccinates more than two weeks ago reserves
have increased.

In July, only 30% less tickets have been reserved to fly to our country that in the same month of 2019, according to data from the consultancy Forwardkeys based on the banknotes confirmed in July to fly to Spain (anywhere).
That is, that seven out of 10 British who bought a plane ticket in July of the Pre Pandemic to visit Spain has also done it now.