Telecinco issued a new delivery of the latest temptation on Wednesday, October 27.
The spectators could see the confrontation bonfire of Isaac and Lucia, as well as the exit of the solo participant.

‘Wolf’ had to give explanations to his partner after having fallen into temptation with Bela.
“I was self-catering that I had to be with you,” he explained, who affirmed that he wanted to spend a single time.

“Bela entered and I was attracted to her. That was the icing on the cake, if I feel attracted to Bela, I’m really not in love with Lucia,” he wounded.
After the Tense Careo, Isaac broke with Lucia and made the decision to leave the solo program.
“I’m not going to start anything with anyone until a lot of time,” he clarified.

Despite having left the format alone, the participant said he would continue to keep the contact with Bela.
On the way back to Villa Luna to be able to collect the things of her and say goodbye to her, ‘Lobo’ took the opportunity to ask for something to the tempting.
“I’m going to miss you so much and I hope we’ll find ourselves again when you’re fine,” she said.
“You told me that you wait for me in Valencia, right?” He asked.
“I wait for you in Valencia,” the single answered.

The confrontation bonfire of Isaac and Lucia was very commented on social networks.
The spectators turned with the Andalusian and showed her support from her on Twitter.
“I love that Lucía, enranged, is telling all the truth of history between Marina, Isaac and she and forces Isaac to tell the truth, is that I love it,” said a user.
“Ole Lucía, sinking werewolf,” said another tweet.

However, some users recalled that seemingly Lucia and Isaac have resumed their relationship.
“I do not know if I can applaud Lucia at the bonfire because now they continue together,” a spectator said.

One of the requirements to be able to continue in the latest temptation is to have a pending account with the program.
With the exit of Isaac, Bela has nothing to solve.
That’s why Sandra Barneda told her and Stefany the exit from her.

“Out of the last temptation I hope to meet Isaac and what happens to happen,” he confessed the model before putting an end to his experience in the Dominican Republic.