The victory of Dr. António Costa was sung in all surveys, but in them he did not get the absolute majority of more than 116 seats to govern in Portugal.
But reality has overcome all those forecasts and the Socialist Party caresses that possibility.
With a pact of government with the Ecologist Party, animals and nature, he would be back, almost certainly, at the Palace of Sao Bento.
At the moment, it is done with more than 43% of the votes.
According to the figures published by the Ministry of Internal Administration, the PS is the clear winner of the day and could approach the absolute majority, reports AFP.

The leader of the opposition, Rui Rio, of the Democratic Social Party (PSD, Centrodecha), would obtain something more than 32% of the suffrages, far from what surveys gave him.
The Ultraderechist Chega, who only had a deputy in Parliament, would be placed as a third force with more than 7% of the votes, while the ancient partners on the left who formed the socialists the so-called Geringonça in the Government see worse their results

Squirt, third strength in 2019 with almost 7%, fell to the fifth position, with just less than 3%.
The electorate has not forgiven his leader, Catarina Martins, who broke the Government Coalition by not supporting the budgets of the year 2022. The Coalition of Communists and Greens also retracement: It would be 4.6% of the last legislative to something else
of 3%
With these figures, we are facing the possibility of reissue Geringonça but always with a minority match such as ecologists, with which coast was very good in the electoral debates.
The urns therefore close the possibility of doing a right-wing Geringonça, with the Rui Rio PSD supports, ideological equivalent of PP in Portugal, along with other right-wing formations such as the thriving liberal initiative or conservative CDS.

Another news of the night has been the takeoff of the chenga populist right, with 7.5% of the votes, when I started with a single seat, that of its leader André Ventura, one of the most outstanding in the many
Television debates that have been happening, especially, curiously, with the rest of the politicians of the Portuguese right.

Throughout the weekend he gained weight a possibility that seemed the most remote of all: a great pact between the Socialist Party and the Democratic Social Party of Rui Rio. The main valor of this kind of “great coalition” to the Portuguese was not
Another that the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, a man with a great popularity in the country that, according to the Portuguese newspaper Expresso, has already commented that preference of “solution to the center” to the Prime Minister and Candidate António Costa.
But the broad socialist victory closes that possibility.

The Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa is a pragmatic socialist who came to power thanks to the radical left, but who has always had the ambition to go alone.
With this victory he can become the most longevo prime minister in office since the revolution of the carnations began.

Of Indian origin, this 60-year-old lawyer, with rounded face and brown, white hair and fine glasses, had to put back to play his mandate for a rupture of the budget with his ancient allies, who came to say that ”
They had to ask for forgiveness on the left “for having broken that agreement from Geringonça.

However, it was thanks to the unprecedented pact sealed with the radical left and the communists that the former mayor of Lisbon came to power in 2015, after a vote that, however, lost.
The alliance was stronger than expected, at least for a while, and this lover of cooking, cinema and Fado, with a fame of having a bad volcanic humor, fulfilled the first four-year one.

Taking advantage of a favorable situation to disrupt austerity measures implemented by the right in exchange for an international rescue plan granted in 2011, Costa has continued, at the same time, sanctating public accounts to show the first budget surplus in Portugal of its recent history
In fact, with him in command, Portugal paid the European rescue after the horrnt crisis of 2008 long before the deadlines were met.

Then he won the legislative elections of October 2019 without having an absolute majority.
But he did not want to renew the alliance of him with his supporters of the radical left, who ended up leaving him to leave after the failure of the negotiations around the 2022 budget. Now, he will have to administer European aid.