There are only a few days left to enjoy the Easter holidays and many Spaniards are already awaiting the weather forecast for these first days of April.

In its weather forecast for Easter, the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has indicated that it is expected to be hotter than usual throughout Spain and less rain than normal.

“Easter Week will be warmer and with less rainfall than normal in a large part of the national territory,” says Aemet on Twitter, where it exposes two maps for the week of April 3-9.

One of them shows that all of Spain will be hotter than usual during those days, especially in the interior of the southwestern quadrant, where between three and five degrees more than usual for the time of year are expected.

And the other reflects that it will rain less than average in the west of Galicia, the Cantabrian area, Girona and large areas of the center and south of the peninsula.

The daily forecast of the Aemet, collected by Servimedia, indicates that this weekend the daytime temperatures will drop in the eastern half of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, and the nighttime ones in the northern half, mainly. This thermal decrease would continue next Monday morning in most of the country and during the day in the Mediterranean and the central peninsular area, as well as in the early hours of Tuesday in the eastern half.

In fact, the Aemet forecasts night frosts during Monday and Tuesday of next week in the Northern Plateau and the mountainous systems of the northern half of the peninsula.

The temperatures would begin an escalation on Tuesday, which would continue the following day. At the moment, there is no daily prediction from Holy Thursday.

As for the rains, the Aemet’s daily forecast is extended, for now, until this weekend, when it is expected that there will be rainfall basically in Galicia, the Cantabrian communities and the Pyrenees.

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