“Lucía Etxebarria will sit at Chester de Risto next Tuesday. The Valencian writer will talk to the presenter about the most personal aspects of her life: ‘I drank a lot, you know you have a problem when you wake up in someone’s bed and you don’t know how did you get there'”. This is how Cuatro promotes Traveling with Chester by Lucía Etxebarria, which will be broadcast tonight. The same question that is heard in the promo on television. But the best promotion has come from the hand of the interviewee, who in a long thread on Twitter and a post on Instagram has been very critical of the program, which she says she will not see.

“I left there crying and thinking that everything had been a trap,” says the writer, among many other things. And she adds: “I felt tremendously uncomfortable. I don’t blame Risto because that’s Risto’s style and I knew what I was going for. Still, I couldn’t anticipate the level of what I interpreted as attacks.”

And with this, Lucía Etxebarria points out and points out some aspects of the interview that caused her to feel so “uncomfortable” and consider it as “attacks”.

“One of the attacks referred to an alleged plagiarism that I have committed. Let’s be clear: no one has ever convicted me of plagiarism or filed a lawsuit against me in relation to the book Extraordinary Women. And those rumors started three years ago, ” details the writer, who in the same Twitter thread recounts her situation in the face of these accusations and what has caused her.

“Right now there are 3 people investigated in the Madrid criminal court for a cause of harassment. I mean the three people who launched this hoax and began to send captures to all the media. They also said that I was a “stalker”. These people also used an army of bots to amplify the hoax, a hoax that was reproduced through the puppet media of Podemos. The last hour and others (…) But my impression, which may be subjective since all the impressions are, it is that Risto was not very interested in me explaining it”, Etxebarria sentence.

The second moment that Etxebarria highlights, and that the writer qualifies as “locked in”, is the face to face that she lived with Jimena González, spokesperson for Más Madrid. Always at the end of Traveling with Chester the sitting guest has a surprise visitor. someone who either knows or does not know, but has some cultural, social relationship, etc. with the. According to Lucía Etxebarria, in her case “it turned out to be Jimena González, spokesperson for Más Madrid, who a week ago appeared on the entire website of her formation, and on her own payroll, as Jaime González. I had not seen this person in my life. But a few years ago I referred to her in networks”.

“Then she was still the man with the beard who appears on numerous occasions on Internet sites. It was therefore impossible for me to recognize Jaime, now Jimena, with makeup, long hair, heels and a skirt. Imagine the delirium of the situation,” he says. And he continues: “I had not seen her in my life and when I had referred to this person, she was still a man with a beard (…) I had no idea what they were talking about and I was deeply uncomfortable.”

Lucía Etxebarria assures that she left there “crying and thinking that everything had been a trap”. She also insists on several occasions that she “doesn’t” blame “Risto” and that she assumes the consequences of having agreed to attend the program:. “I accept the consequences of my decision, but I did not expect to be asked about a very well organized hoax (…) I also did not expect Jimena’s visit, who in my opinion behaved in an absolutely unbalanced way. Nobody had warned me of anything “.

“The questions out of tune and the encounter with Jimena were very unpleasant for me and I do not intend to watch the program because I think it would awaken feelings of deep discomfort and anxiety in me again. I am also going to withdraw from social networks these days, “he concludes.

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