Minors who, in addition to the vulnerability associated with their age, were in situations of great need were the objective of a criminal network that has just been dismantled in Galicia.
Once captured, they forced them to prostitute themselves, but before they had to pass a “test”: the leader of the organization supposedly violated them using large doses of violence to check if they were valid for the exercise of prostitution.

The National Police has managed to arrest six people in two different Galician cities, four in Ourense and two in Santiago de Compostela, and free two minors who were to be prostituted imminently in particular addresses.

Among the detainees was the alleged leader and responsible for these tests prior to sexual exploitation, in which he used, according to the researchers, “great aggressiveness and extremely vexative sexual treatment”.
All detainees are credited with crimes relating to prostitution and corruption of minors.

The dismantled criminal organization was dedicated, allegedly, to sexual exploitation and the corruption of minors and, as this newspaper has been confirmed, always focused on minors who were very vulnerable by their economic situation.

The origin of the research is located in Ourense.
The National Police had access to information in which they told him that there were two very vulnerable minors who received help from an adult and, as a way of payment, had stayed at their home and forced them to have sex with him
And with another adult.

That first chivatazo received by the police also put them on the track of two women in the environment of the two men who had violated the girls who had proposed to move to Santiago de Compostela to exercise prostitution.
One of the girls housed on the floor had supposedly accepted the exploitation.

The police mounted a device in which they managed to free that younger before it began to be prostituted.
In addition, in Ourense they detained the two men who had forced them to have sex and also to the two women who acted from intermediaries so that they began to prostitute themselves.
One of them is also a minor.

After the release of that minor, a second phase was launched in the investigation that already allowed the National Police to determine that there was a criminal organization in Galicia that acted at other points of the community and that was dedicated to trafficking in women with
Sexual exploitation purposes.

The police operation was developed during the last six months.
After an initial performance to free the two minors in Ourense, the researchers spent several months to study how the network operated and finally there were two new arrests in Santiago de Compostela, two individuals who accuse of crimes of trafficking in human beings,
Belonging to criminal organization, relating to prostitution and corruption of minors.

That organization supposedly captured women with whom it contacted through web pages of sexual contacts or directly at street foot.
His activity was mainly focused on Ourense and Santiago, but the potential victims were also caught in other cities, until the leader used to move.

All the victims had in common that they were young women who lived situations of great need and vulnerability, many of them minors, and then exploit them sexually in addresses.

The Network was allegedly led by one of the women arrested in Ourense and by another individual detained in Santiago, the alleged hinder who tried the girls before forcing them to prostitute themselves and that, in addition, managed and controlled the sexual services carried out by their
This man, as the researchers determined, remained 40% of the price of each service.

This operation is part of the National Police Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
The National Police has the 900 10 50 90 telephone line and an email address@politia.es to facilitate citizen collaboration and the complaint, anonymous and confidential, of this type of crime, not reflected the call on the telephone bill.