This family from the Canary Islands had not planned to start their stay in Malta like this, reports the Spanish media Cadena Ser. The Spanish tourists had nevertheless booked a rental on Airbnb. The platform put them in touch with a highly recommended hostess who, initially, responded to all their requests. But a few days before their arrival, no more response. Worried, they contacted Airbnb, which promised to try to contact the landlady. But arriving in Malta, still without news, they had to urgently resort to a hotel.

The day after their arrival, the tourists decide to go directly to the owner’s home. But despite their insistence, no one opens the door to them. They do not admit defeat and return the next day. It was then that a neighbor told them that he had seen an ambulance a few days earlier in front of the home. Vacationers head to the hospital to find out more. They discover that the woman had indeed stayed there but that she left ten days earlier.

As the tourists return to the apartment, they learn that the neighbors, in the meantime, have notified the police. In front of the home, they discovered several agents. They are told that the landlady has been found dead.

Despite the tragedy, the holidays continue and the family must urgently find an accommodation solution. They first turn to Airbnb but the platform struggles to try to contact the owner. Although they indicate that she is deceased, they are told that they must “do it this way” because it is “the protocol”.

It was finally through a local real estate agency that the family managed to find suitable accommodation.