As the 2024 Olympic Games approach in France, the Rugby World Cup which starts this Friday September 8 is a real “test” for the security services. A reinforced deployment for a very long and intense competition. Detail review.

More than 5,100 police officers and gendarmes will be deployed on average each day. A number that can reach up to 7,500 agents during peak activity. This mobilization must ensure the protection of players, staff and the public throughout the competition. In addition, 106 “Zero Crime” plans have been put in place to secure the spectator experience.

These plans aim to guarantee public peace and prevent any act of delinquency during competition-related events. Innovative measures have been created specifically for public safety that is not limited to stadiums. “For example, a system to combat street harassment called “Ask Angela” was established, involving a network of traders ready to help people in distress, particularly in Haute-Garonne,” explains the spokesperson for the Ministry of the Interior. In Île-de-France, 700 patrols are carried out every day, including 350 on public transport, with adaptation depending on the time.

Two elements will contribute to guaranteeing optimal security throughout the event. First, the intensification of mutual reinforcements between the police, the gendarmerie and the state services to better target the dangers. The spokesperson explains: “We can adapt game by game because we have access to the sociology of the people who buy tickets, so we can anticipate potential problems for each city. In Annecy, an agreement between the municipality and the DDSP (Departmental Directorate of Public Security) provides for the travel of a doctor to the police station to examine people in a state of manifest intoxication, thus avoiding transport to the hospital and favoring the presence of security forces on public roads. In Poitiers, a special operation mobilizes all state actors to fight against crime, in particular drug trafficking and incivility.

Then, better coordination between mobility and security plans. Cities hosting matches were invited to develop territorial mobility plans in June 2023 to facilitate travel throughout the national territory, anticipate the arrival of foreign visitors, manage flows in host cities on match days , and ensuring accessibility for people with reduced mobility while encouraging more environmentally friendly transport alternatives. These mobility plans are available in four levels of commitment: international, national, host city and last mile, including in particular a shuttle system for the last journeys to the competition and festivities sites.

To further strengthen security, 4.1 million euros have been allocated to video protection, allowing the purchase of nearly 550 cameras spread across 29 municipalities. These cameras cover stadiums, rugby villages and base camps in particular, providing an extensive surveillance system. Anti-drone control on stadiums during matches has also been activated. This measure includes the ban on flying over all sites of interest, such as stadiums and base camps.