Compromise proposal that is not called that: The red-red-green state government is promising the factions a lot of money – for an energy aid fund, on which the red-red-green and the CDU have not yet been able to agree.

Erfurt (dpa/th) – Thuringia’s state government can imagine providing a fund for help in the energy crisis with 200 million euros. Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) said on Tuesday after the cabinet meeting in Erfurt. The money could be used to help companies, but also clubs or rehabilitation facilities that got into financial difficulties due to high energy prices. Ultimately, however, the decision rests with the state parliament.

The government is in favor of expanding the purpose of the country’s existing corona fund for help in the energy crisis. That’s what the parliamentary groups of the Left, SPD and Greens also want. The fund – a so-called special fund under budgetary law – currently has 60 to 70 million euros available. The ministries would have to draw up economic plans and rules for the payment of the funds anyway. This also applies to the hardship fund of 10 million euros decided by the state parliament last week.

While the government coalition of the Left, SPD and Greens with the CDU was able to agree on the hardship fund for families and single people with high energy costs, this has not yet happened with the Corona fund.

The CDU, on whose votes Red-Red-Green depends, demanded, among other things, an economic security fund of 250 to 400 million euros. It is expected that there will be a special session of the state parliament on this topic in mid-October. The government does not want to “anticipate” the parliamentary groups, but accompany them, said Ramelow. Budgetary power lies with Parliament.

The head of government took a step forward in the protective shield proposed by both Ramelow and the opposition CDU parliamentary group, especially for municipal companies such as public utilities. This year, the state’s framework for issuing guarantees is 500 million euros. However, if necessary, it could be doubled to €1 billion in 2023, he said.

Ramelow’s coalition is missing four votes in the state parliament to be able to make its own decisions. It is therefore always dependent on compromises in order to support the opposition.