Erfurt (dpa/th) – The Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB) has called on Thuringians to take to the streets in Erfurt on Sunday for greater compensation for the exploding food and energy prices. The third relief package decided by the federal government goes in the right direction, but is not enough, said the chairman of the DGB Hessen-Thüringen, Michael Rudolph, on Thursday in Erfurt. In August alone, the inflation rate for food was 16.6 percent and for energy and fuel 35.6 percent.

According to the DGB, one of the demands of the demonstration is “We don’t freeze for company profits”, behind which the rapid introduction of an excess or random profit tax to finance further relief is hidden. It’s also about the many people with middle incomes, said Rudolph. More than 1000 participants are expected. A larger demonstration, to which the party Die Linke, but also right-wing groups had called, took place in Leipzig at the beginning of the week.